

4 April 2013: Today is our day to defend our Amina

3 April 2013: For Amina: My body against political Islam. No Sharia.

3 April 2013: On 4 April, we will breast them!

2 April 2013: Why an International Day to Defend Amina?

2 April 2013: I have no regrets

28 March 2013: Free Amina, Free Tunisia: It is the same cry

27 March 2013: Amina must be back at school next week

25 March 2013: Don’t stop fighting for Amina!

23 March 2013:Let’s Breast Them

Farsi translation of letter: آمنه صداي ماست

22 March 2013: Release Amina Now!

21 March 2013: FEMEN Tunisia’s Facebook page hacked

19 March 2013: Amina represents me


19 year old Tunisian Amina who posted a topless photo of herself bearing the slogan “my body belongs to me, and is not the source of anyone’s honour” has been threatened with death.

Islamist cleric Adel Almi, president of Al-Jamia Al-Li-Wassatia Tawia Wal-Islah, has called for Amina’s flogging and stoning to death saying Amina’s actions will bring misfortune by causing “epidemics and disasters” and “could be contagious and give ideas to other women…”

We, the undersigned, unequivocally defend Amina, and demand that her life and liberty be protected and that those who have threatened her be immediately prosecuted.

On 4 April 2013, we call for an International Day to Defend Amina.

Amina represents us all.

On the day and beyond, groups and individuals can join in by highlighting her case, posting topless photos of themselves and their activism on social media sites, signing a petition, Tweeting #Amina, writing letters in her defence, and more.

On 4 April, we will remind the Islamists and the world that the real epidemic and disaster that must be challenged is misogyny – Islamic or otherwise.


Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, Egyptian Nude Photo Revolutionary
Alina Isabel Pérez, Filmmaker
Amanda Brown, We are Atheism Founder
Annie Sugier, President of Ligue du Droit International des Femmes
Arash T. Riahi, Film Director
Caroline Fourest, Writer and Journalist; most recent film: “Our Breasts; Our Arms
Darina Al-Joundi, Lebanese Actress and Author of “The Day Nina Simone Stopped Singing
Deeyah, Music Composer and Filmmaker; most recent film “Banaz: A Love Story” about an honour killing
Elia Tabesh, Iranian Women in Support of Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar
Equal Rights Now – Organisation against Women’s Discrimination in Iran
Fariborz Pooya, Iranian Secular Society
Farzana Hassan, Writer
Fatou Sow, President of the Groupe de recherche sur les femmes et les lois au Sénégal
Fiammetta Venner, Filmmaker and Writer
Greta Christina, Writer and Blogger
Houzan Mahmoud, Spokesperson of Organisation for Women’s Freedom in Iraq
Inna Shevchenko, FEMEN Spokesperson
International Committee against Execution
International Committee against Stoning
Jacek Tabisz, President of Polish Rationalist Society
Joseph Paris, Radical Cinema
Kareem Amer, Egyptian Blogger
Kian Azar, Communist Youth Organisation
Marian Tudor, President of Romanian Association for Workers’ Emancipation
Marieme Helie Lucas, Algerian Sociologist and founder of Secularism is a Women’s Issue
Maryam Namazie, Campaigner and Spokesperson for Equal Rights Now – Organisation against Women’s Discrimination in Iran and initiator of Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar
Mina Ahadi, Spokesperson of International Committee against Stoning  and International Committee against Execution
Nadia El-Fani, Tunisian Filmmaker; most recent films “Neither Allah nor Master” and “Our Breasts; Our Arms
Nahla Mahmoud, Sudanese Researcher and Human Rights Activist
Nina Sankari, President of European Feminist Initiative Poland and Secularist
Richard Dawkins, Scientist
Rumy Hassan, Writer
Safia Lebdi, Co-founder of Neither Whores nor Submissives
Secularism is a Women’s Issue
Soad Baba Aïssa, Women’s Rights Campaigner
Sohaila Sharifi, Iranian Women’s Rights Campaigner
Sundas Hoorain, Pakistani Human Rights Lawyer
Tarek Fatah, Writer
Taslima Nasrin, Bangladeshi Writer

For more information on the International Day to Defend Amina, contact:

Maryam Namazie
tel: +44 (0) 7719166731

Inna Shevchenko
tel: +33605857180



  1. Amina – you are a very courageous young woman. As hard as it is – and as hard as “consequences” may sometimes be, sometimes people have to stand up and say ENOUGH! Not everyone will have the courage you have – but your body and it’s voice will give a power to voiceless women. I am in awe of you.

  2. Arabo/muslim males often don’t have much self-control. Respect for women can only occur in socieities where women have both the power AND the authority to discipline their male offspring.

    When I was a small boy, I touhed my mother’s breast in front of my two sisters and grandmother and said “titty”. The first three times my mother removed my hand and told me to stop.

    When I did it a fourth time she took my hand, slapped it and told me how very, very disappointed she was with me.

    For an hour or so afterwards she witheld her affection from me, and I can remember, even though I couldn’t have been more than 3 or 4, being on my best behavior and working like hell to regain that affection.

    For the very first time in my life I felt sorry and ashammed for what I’d done.

    With regards to respect for women and for women’s bodies, certain boundries had been established.

    But in order to do that, women need a minimum of power and authority over their male children.

  3. How did the idea that “a man has no control of himself if he see the skin of a woman” ever get started? By men who want to blame everything on someone else! The idea that men have no self control is stupid and has led to this plight of hyper-masculinity in the world. It is time we have gender equality in all cultures in all parts of the globe!!! Stop blaming your lack of dick control on someone else!!! That makes you just a “dick!”

  4. Amina, you are one of the biggest whores at the arabian world. I hope your government will punish you.

    I think the majority of true believers among Muslim men are, in fact, merely four and five year-old boys, little spoiled brats, trapped in the bodies of adult males.

    A “whore” has little or no autonomy, whereas Amina has stepped forward and declared her independance.

    Like a grown-up!

      1. Way to go Maryam!
        If German is male, he should feel immense shame.
        As a male myself, I expel him from my gender group!

    1. Why, actually? Why do you hope her government will punish her? What harm has she caused to anyone else that would deserve punishment?

      If you think that what she has done should be a crime, you’d better be able to come up with some darn good reasons, because as far as I can tell, she hasn’t caused any injury to anyone, stolen or destroyed anyone’s property, defrauded anyone, put anyone else’s life at risk, or any of the other victim-creating behaviours that we normally think of as crimes. Explain your rationale please.

      1. Sadly, I doubt this man could explain his rationale. Perhaps the wrong word. Rational and independent thinking seems not an option for some humans. Better to ask him what is he TRULY afraid of.

        1. Perhaps better to ask him to explain what he thinks and why. It’s a good exercise; indeed, a necessary one. Knee-jerk responses happen, but maybe one could think again and learn something.

        2. BTW could I please clarify an earlier comment. When I said “this man” I was not referring to David Hart but “German” above. I totally agree with David Hart. Apologies if my comment was misinterpreted to seem supportive of the German; anything but!

    2. German, David Hart is quite right. You need to consider what you are thinking and explain yourself carefully. This is a place for people to post considered comments, therefore try to express your point of view so that others can understand what it is and why you hold it.

  5. I have sent a letter to my Senator, Elizabeth Warren, who has a record of standing up for women’s rights. If the US has any diplomatic pull with Tunisia I hope we can have some influence in this awful situation. This woman’s courage is stunning and I want to do everything I can to support her.

  6. No more sharia, please. We deserve to leave in peace.
    Where the fuck is Amina ?
    Where the fuck r all the Aminas of this world ?
    Fuck religion !!

  7. Amina, you are so so brave. All the best for your campaign. Hopefully you will be successful. Ursula.

  8. What are you thinking you sick bastards?? Killing somebody because she’s standig up for her rights? I hope everybody who wants her death will die painfully.

  9. In total support of Amina. It is intolerable that any human being should be subjected to this primitive and reactionary kind of thinking and the actions that arise from it. But it’s always worse for women. It’s got to stop.

  10. Will it take someone like Amina to reawaken real feminism in the West? Where are the Hollywood celebrities now? Where are the university students? All I see are pampered entitled brats so consumed by the abortion question they can’t see anything else. Like Amina. How many western women would dare confront the Islamists at the risk of torture, floggings and stoning? How many Hollywood women have bared their breasts for money and adulation and will be sipping their champagne right this minute not knowing or caring about Amina. FREE AMINA.

  11. Amina you have so much moral support all around the world. I only hope that you are able to see it for yourself and that you have freedom to read news and live your life and that your family will love and support you.

    Be strong dear girl

    x x

  12. It might give other women ideas? That is so controlling. Women are not property or animals you can tell to dress up and how to think. I hope she lives on, and kudos to her for putting herself out there on behalf of her people!

  13. Respect and best wishes to a very brave lady – let us all hope the ‘misfortune’ they speak of is related to their own loss of power and control in the future. That is all they are really afraid of.

  14. That and more let s go out dooor
    to support amina this issue can noot stay just kind of indoors and in the virtual world. This is x real…

  15. The women of the world have your intentions Amina.
    We will do all our our power individually to expose yours and millions of other females around the world suffering from oppression and subjugation under Islamic laws,
    You are not alone brave girl,
    April the 4th will be your day , we want these barbaric perpetrators and abusers to face there justice.
    This sadistic primitive cult must be exposed for its human rights violations around our world,
    No more gender inequality and apartheid , ,

  16. Why are these ‘moral’ men looking at naked pictures of women on the net?!

    Her own family have ‘siezed’ her and put her in a phyciatric hospital. Amina’s mum, IF you helped to do this then you have betrayed not only womankind but your own flesh and blood too! (I hope to God you had nothing to do with this!)

    The women of the west need to wake up and re embrace feminism and help all the other women around the world from this persecution and slavery. Increasing amount of gang rapes in India, beheading and stoning in Saudi Arabia, lashes and imprisonment in Tunisia. Baby girls aborted/abandoned/murdered, pre-pubescent girls married off, sold into prostitution/slavery, denied education, denied health care, freedom of movement, chioce of dress, choice of husband, just choice in general!! When is this barbaric treatment of half the human race going to stop? Amina is a brave woman, we need more like her!

  17. ” could be contagious and give ideas to other women…”
    That is what those wanking bastards are affraid of..nothing else! Can you imagine, naked women making men affraid? What are they made of? Maybe that is what they are affraid the entire World might find out.That just made my day..
    They are not affraid of Bombs, rockets, drones,missiles, but they are affraid of naked women!

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