The EDL are taking to the streets with their far Right and racist politics. See a Guardian investigative piece on them here.

The Islamists – also a far Right movement – are gaining influence as we speak. Read our report on Sharia Law in Britain if you have any doubts.

Are you going to stand by and let them take centre stage or are you going to fight back – with us – against both of them.

We can push them back and defend 21st century humanity if we unite.

We are more in numbers and in strength – we only need to stand up and be counted.

Will you stand with us on 20 June – to remember our beloved Neda murdered in Iran, to show solidarity with people eveywhere living under and resisting Sharia law, to defend universal rights, secularism and equality, asylum rights, citizenship rights and to oppose racism and fascism and cultural relativism.

Join us. We need you to be there…

For more information on the 20 June rally, click here.

1 Comment

  1. omidwaram betoonin jam'e bozorgi ro tashkil bedin. amma ba hame in ha man fekr mikonam moalmoon ha belakhare UK ro taskhir khahand kard. khoob ya bad in ettefagh ye rooz miofte.

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