Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Articles and Speeches

Latest Articles and Speeches

Promoting Secularism in the age of ISIS
Defending Charlie and Opposing Terrorism is not enough; You need to stand up to Sharia Courts
Trinity College Dublin I was not born yesterday
I will not accept conditions on my Trinity College Dublin talk
And Still I Rise – Topless Action for 8 March International Women’s Day
For Avijit Roy: Like Mukta-muna we are united in our grief and remain undefeated
Islam and the culture of offence: Missing the point
After the Charlie Hebdo Massacre, Support those Fighting the Religious-Right
For Charlie Hebdo: Rage and Solidarity
Women’s rights campaigners welcome withdrawal of the Law Society’s sharia wills practice note
Onwards to establishing an International Front for Secularism
Promoting the global secular alternative in the ISIS era
Islam in the state is the end of everything worthy of 21 Century life
Bread and Roses TV
Sharia Law is madness
They kill atheists and we are deemed terrorists
Ghesas and execution are the same
Maryam Namazie elected to International Humanist Academy

وقتی زن بودن یک جرم است، اعتراض عریان یک چالش سیاسی مهم علنی است, International

عریان میشوم، اعتراض میکنم، تو را به چالش میکشم, RFI

Nude Protest for Interntional Women’s Day at Louvre in Paris
69 hours left to help Bread and Roses
Bread and Roses: Will you support a free-thinking, taboo-breaking TV magazine?
On FGM: It takes courage to go against the grain
Iran: Not an Islamic revolution
Hassan Rouhani’s charm offensive just plain offensive
On World Hijab Day
When will the Lib Dems side with us?
End Ban on Female Fans in Iran; Stadiums for All
In support of gender equality at York University
UK Public Institutions continue to fail to uphold environment free of gender discrimination
Gender Apartheid is an Islamist demand
Gender segregation guidelines u-turn following PM warning, Channel 4 News
Should Britain ban the niqab? Channel
Leaving the Faith, BBC Radio 4
We will continue our fight against gender apartheid at universities
Universities UK: Rescind endorsement of sex segregation
Secularism as a universal right
Walking a tightrope in the One Law for All campaign against Sharia: Between the pro-Islamist Left and the Far-Right
Lib Dems: Wrong Answer Again
Open Letter to Stop the War Coalition about de la Croix
Neither Veil Nor Submission
The rise of fitnah: Ready to cause affliction
To ban or not to ban the burka
Maryam Namazie wins 2013 DoDs Women in Public Life’s Journalist of the Year
Egypt’s fight is against Islamism
Siding with the oppressor: The pro-Islamist Left
We are human too; Half of Iran and the world – on farce of Iranian election
Secularism is my right; freedom is my culture
Fitnah targets Islam and Islamism; “ready to cause affliction”
Fitnah – Movement for Women’s Liberation
In defence of nude protest: freedom is my culture
On 25 April: We stand with Bangladeshi bloggers and activists
4th April: International day to defend Amina
Impossible not to see
We can’t leave Islam? Watch Us! On Apostasy and Freedom of Conscience
La Lucha Continua!
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Pot. Kettle. Black.
Sexual harassment in Egypt in state-sponsored
Ana Lama
The day the music died
World Hijab Day?!
Muslim Patrols! What about the others?
I dreamed that god would be forgiving
A warning to European secularists
Your Muslim friend
Despite the Fear
This is about politics not religion
Bravo Charlie Hebdo
Child marriages and Sharia courts: It must end now
This is why
Religion not Pussy Riot is gulty of hooliganism
It is meant to shock and provoke
Free expression, multiculturalism and political Islam
گفتگو با مریم نمازی: “زن ضد دین” و فتواهای سکولار
Meet this anti-Islam woman, an ‘expose’ on Maryam by the Islamic regime of Iran
We cannot remain silent on Islamist attacks on Tunisian universities
Hoodie and Hejab are not the same
تقویم انقلابیون برهنه
Nudity is Freedom: FEMEN Paris action
Seriously, we are intolerant?!
Idiocy or Revolutionary: In Defence of Nude Protest
Stripping for Iran
Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar 2012-2013
Human Rights Watch: Secularism key
Religion in power end of democratic politics
Charges of offence and Islamophobia are secular fatwas
Human Rights Watch: You are disgusting
On Press TV
You can expect threats if you discuss Sharia
If it’s alright with the Guardian we won’t welcome Islamism
Nude photo of Egyptian blogger scream against Islamism
The EU, like Sharia courts, doesn’t want women to speak up! (photo)
In solidarity with Charlie Hebdo: A photo of Mohammad will have to do!