Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year. P.S. I will begin blogging again the week of January 8.

Radio Montreal

I was interviewed on 7 December by Beryl Wajsman on his radio show, The Last Angry Man, on 940AM Radio Montreal on the Iraq Study…

Ahmadinejad Booed

Following a day of protest on December 6, which was led by the left wing socialist students in many universities in Iran, Ahmadinejad, the president…

To see the latest issue of WPI Briefing 201, December 11, 2006, a monthly publication of the Worker-communist Party of Iran, click here. In this…

Protests on Students’ Day in Iran

See pictures of protests on Students’ Day in Iran by clicking here. The left-leaning plackards says: Freedom and Equality; Socialism or Barbarism; Free Political Prisoners;…

Support the struggles of students in Iran!

Universities in Iran are an important battleground for people’s fight for emancipation. Student protests are a part of Iranian people’s huge fight for freedom and…