A short biography

Have a look at a short biography Reza Moradi made recently: https://maryam.wlfserver.xyz/audvid/ITV_Biography_Maryam-Namazie_24May2006.wmv

In Support of Ayaan

The fact that Ayaan Hirsci Ali lied on her asylum application is irrelevant – even if she had not said so herself several years ago.…

Support Ayaan Hirsi Ali

To sign on to the below petition to support Ayaan Hirsi Ali, click here. The misinformation on Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s application for asylum is not…

The Blanket: Profile on Maryam Namazie

The Blanket has just published the following profile, written by Anthony McIntyre, which you can read at http://lark.phoblacht.net/AM04040610g.html. Maryam Namazie

How nice of them!

Abdul Rahman, the convert to Christianity, who had been deemed an apostate and faced execution in ‘liberated’ Afghanistan, has been granted fast-track asylum, and spirited…

On Reza Moradi

Thanks to all those who have asked about Reza Moradi and how they can help. We are now in the process of finding a solicitor…