Sex apartheid not discriminatory?

Universities UK, a “representative” body of UK Universities, has issued guidelines on external speakers saying that the segregation of the sexes at universities is not discriminatory…

Lib Dems: Wrong Answer, Again!

Nahla Mahmoud, Spokesperson of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, was threatened after speaking out against Sharia law including by Salah al Bandar (or Salah al…

Unveiled: Neither Veil nor Submission

Fitnah’s November issue of Unveiled (Volume 1, Issue 2) has now been published and can be found here: fitnah-UNVEILED-nov13. editor: Maryam Namazie design by: Kiran Opal…

My speaking engagements this month

I will be speaking in Brighton tomorrow 6 November at a meeting organised by the Brighton Secular Humanists at 730pm at Sallis Benney Theatre, Brighton University,…

The show will go on

The show will go on. The 5th Passion for Freedom Festival will take place as planned from 02 November 2013 even though the original venue…

Forbidden Talk: Atheism in Middle East

See an interview with me on Levant TV’s “Forbidden Talk” programme on “Atheism in the Middle East.” Levant TV is a new channel with a focus on…