You’re not Muslims

These handful of burka-clad women “respond” to the debate on the burka-ban on behalf of “Muslim women.” Listen to their vile rhetoric. They do not…

Remembering Irtaza

Here’s my tribute to the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s young member and activist Irtaza Hussain who tragically committed suicide on 11 September. I gave…

I won’t cover my hair

Amira Osman Hamed says: I’m Sudanese. I’m Muslim, and I’m not going to cover my head. Today, 19 September, she faces trial in the Sudan…

To ban or not to ban the burka

Again the “veil controversy”. And as usual full of misinformation and deception. Let me clear a few things up: First off, no one is calling…

Ex-Muslim Council 19 September Event

Just a reminder that we will be having a meetup for apostate asylum seekers and refugees followed by evening drinks with philosopher Arif Ahmed tomorrow…

Insult to humanity

I have written about Raif Badawi, the wonderful Saudi blogger and website editor calling for religious liberalisation who was recently sentenced to 7 years in…

Pharbin Malik

The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain’s forum has just published an article to commemorate 16 year old Pharbin Malik from Birmingham who was killed by…

No right to oppress

Sharia courts are oppressive; there is no right to oppress. Here’s a recent interview I did with the Edinburgh Secular Society on Sharia court and…

March for secularism

Don’t forget to join the March and Rally for Secularism on Saturday 14th September 2013. We will assemble at 12.30pm in Temple Place, next to…