Britain should ban the niqab

Here’s me on Channel on whether Britain should ban the niqab/burqa? Err yes. See it here. By the way, Fitnah’s third issue is almost ready…

Terrorism and the burka

I don’t need to tell you what has happened in the past few days. In Nairobi, Islamists have attacked innocent civilians out for a day…

You’re not Muslims

These handful of burka-clad women “respond” to the debate on the burka-ban on behalf of “Muslim women.” Listen to their vile rhetoric. They do not…

To ban or not to ban the burka

Again the “veil controversy”. And as usual full of misinformation and deception. Let me clear a few things up: First off, no one is calling…

Finally a good use for the burka

A mild mannered teacher becomes the burka avenger when her school is threatened with being shut down by Islamists, armed with pens and books: Finally…