Tag: burqa
Defending Charlie and Opposing Terrorism is not enough; You need to stand up to Sharia Courts
This is a shortened version of my speech for a public meeting organised by the NE Humanists on 19 March 2015. Dissent and criticism of religion has always been a crucial aspect of free expression. Such criticism has been key for human progress and is needed more than ever in the age of ISIS. For…
We should not abandon secularism
WE SHOULD NOT ABANDON SECULARISM Unveiled: A Publication of Fitnah – Movement for Women’s Liberation December 2013, Volume 1, Issue 3 Editor: Maryam Namazie. Design: Kiran Opal The publication is available here. PDF version available for download. URGENT ACTION: REJECT SEX SEGREGATION IT’S 2013. LET’S NOT TIME TRAVEL Universities UK (UUK) guidance to universities on…