Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Tag: Jailed workers

  • 2 August: Campaign for the release of Reza Shahabi, Behnam Ebrahimzadeh and Shahrokh Zamani

    Solidarity pickets have been organised in Sydney, London, Birmingham, Frankfurt, Berlin, Koln, Oslo, Toronto and Gothenburg. Reza Shahabi, a member of the executive board of the Union of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs United Bus Company (Vahed), has been jailed for his part in the great bus workers’ strike in 2006 and in forming the…

  • July 12: International Day of Solidarity with Reza Shahabi and Behnam Ebrahimzadeh

    Join the international day of solidarity with jailed labour activists in Iran, in particular Reza Shahabi and Behnam Ebrahimzadeh who need urgent medical care. You can download the poster of the jailed workers, take a photo of yourself holding the poster and send it to Fariborz Pooya ( to publicise on New Channel TV. Join us.…

  • Iran: Six worker activists arrested; Families stage protests for their release

    In the past ten days, six worker activists have been arrested in the city of Sanandaj in the west of Iran, according to reports by the Free Union of Iranian Workers. The six jailed workers are: • Vafa Ghaderi • Seyed Khaled Hosseini • Ali Azadi • Behzad Farajollahi • Hamed Mahmoud Nejad • Sharif…

  • Saturday 26 January: Actions in support of jailed workers in Iran

    با تمام قوا در دفاع از کارگران زندانی لندن (انگلیس) شنبه ٢٦ ژانویه، ساعت ٢ تا ٤ بعدازظهر محل: میدان ترافالگار، ضلع شمالی مقابل ناشنال گالری تلفن تماس: ٠٧٧١٢٨١٠٦٧٥ In solidarity with jailed workers in Iran London, Saturday 26th January, 2-4pm, Trafalgar Square, North Terrace (opposite the National Gallery)  Cologne, Germany کلن (آلمان): شنبه ٢٦…