UPDATE 23/03/2013 One of the people who kidnapped Amina has been boasting that they did it for “her own good”. It is unclear though whether…
4 April 2013: International Day to Defend Amina; she represents us
UPDATES AND MORE: 4 April 2013: Today is our day to defend our Amina 3 April 2013: For Amina: My body against political Islam. No…
Amina represents me
An Islamist preacher says 19 year old Tunisian Amina (FEMEN Tunisia) who posted a topless photo of herself bearing the slogan “my body belongs to me,…
Neither Allah nor Master
Very often apostasy and blasphemy cases that are highlighted are of men though there are some well known atheist women from the Middle East and…
We cannot remain silent about Islamist attacks on Tunisia’s universities
The below statement has been initiated by Djemila Benhabib and Caroline Fourest and supported by myself, Mina Ahadi, Boualem Sansal, Taslima Nasreen, Shoukria Haïdar, Elisabeth…