Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Tag: war

  • Ex-Muslims demand an end to war, occupation, rape and terrorism

    In the run-up to the one-year anniversary of the Israeli government’s brutal and unrelenting war on Gaza and the West Bank since 7 October 2023, we the undersigned ex-Muslims, are filled with rage and heartbreak at the ongoing genocide against Palestinian civilians. So far, the war has killed and wounded hundreds of thousands, destroyed hospitals,…

  • Now Iran’s a state ‘contemplating’ terrorism?

    UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has warned about Iran’s ‘increasing willingness to contemplate’ terrorism around the world. He cited an attempt to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US, plus alleged involvement in recent attacks in New Delhi, Georgia and Bangkok. Increasing willingness to contemplate – is that what they call it nowadays? What about…

  • No to economic sanctions, war propaganda, and war! Revolution against the Islamic regime of Iran!

    The below is a press release of the Worker-communist Party of Iran dated January 26, 2012 on the threats of war and economic sanctions. It says: The real way to fight poverty, misery, threat of war, and the whole present hazardous situation is the expansion of the struggle against the Islamic regime in all arenas,…

  • It’s not rocket science: you can be against war on Iran and also the regime and its nuclear bomb!

    Sections of the far-Right in the Israeli government and US administration as well as some western states have started threatening war on Iran over the nuclear issue. The Islamic regime has in turn threatened back. War or any Israeli government military action will only benefit the most reactionary elements in the west and Israel on…