This is my final blog for Secular Student Alliance blogathon. I can’t believe I managed to post a blog every half an hour from 9am-3pm GMT! But all for a good cause.
I leave you with some pearls of wisdom – not mine of course – but of an Islamic ‘scholar’ and Friday prayers leader.
He says:
“An unveiled woman is like a bus – everyone gets to ride her.
“A woman who is not wearing a full-chador (all encompassing covering) but wearing a head-scarf and manteau (overcoat type covering) is like a taxi – a limited number get to ride her.
“But a woman wearing a chador, like my wife, is like a donkey – only one person gets to ride her.”
Ahh bless, now I wonder how the defenders of religious education are going to explain this one. Oh let’s just stick to the mantra of golden rules and all religions preach love and peace (albeit only for those who agree with them).
Now if this has been useful to you – or more likely not – then go and donate to the SSA.
It’s the best revenge.
Here’s a link to the official SSA Week page, which has lots of information about the SSA as well as an easy-to-find donation widget.
Here’s a list of quotations collected by Greta on why the SSA is worth supporting.
(Clipping via Afsaneh Vahdat)
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