Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
5 November 2007

It is outrageous that the British Government is to hand out public money to Islamic organisations, and that taxpayers should help train clerics and fund madrassas, which are in effect sectarian schools and recruiting grounds for political Islam.

It is insulting that Hazel Blears sees this as ‘giving communities’ strength and skills – these Islamic organisations, clerics, and other self-appointed ‘community partners’ and self-styled ‘leaders’ do not represent a ‘community’ but rather political Islam.

We strongly believe that rather than being part of any solution, these organisations and individuals are part of the problem. Contrary to its claims, evidence suggests that the Government’s track record is tantamount to one of befriending and supporting Islamic groups. Now, not content with encouraging Islamic organisations and the primacy of religious identity, the Government is using public money to fund these.

The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain contends that it should not be the business of the Government to support religious belief and to underwrite the control of the ulema over their ‘faith communities’. We think that it would be far more socially beneficial to spend the £70 million on public services in ghettoised areas as well as to encourage a non-sectarian, secular outlook with an emphasis on citizenship and universal rights -free of ‘faith’ labels.


  1. Prophet Muhammad PBUH was NOT a murderer. You know what? Just because there are organizations such as Al Qaeda does NOT mean that all Muslims are terrorists.”Allah-you-f***nar”I found that on a forum. How sick can you get? I could not bring myself to write that. It disgusts me, and raised such anger in me.”Islam’s lone prophet”Islam had over 200 Prophets, though only a select few are named.”Muhammad was a murderer.”Have you ever heard of a thing called Jihad?”God permits the raping of female slaves.”Maybe it’s because they DESERVE IT. Maybe it’s because they did something that he cannot forgive.WHERE do people get this from? What kind of sick minds do they have to sit down and write all of it? It disgusts me.

  2. GOD VERSUS ALLAH (THE ANTI – GOD)By:Larry Houlewww.godofreason.comintermedusa@yahoo.comHOW DO WE KNOW THAT ISLAM IS TOTALLY BOGUS HOW DO WE KNOW THAT ISLAM IS A TOTAL SHAM AND FRAUD HOW DO WE KNOW THAT ALLAH NEVER EXISTED HOW DO WE KNOW THAT MUHAMMAD NEVER RECEIVED ANY REVELATIONS FROM ALLAH HOW DO WE KNOW THAT ISLAM WAS CREATED BY MUHAMMAD HOW DO WE KNOW THAT THE KORAN IS NOT THE WORD/TEACHINGS OF ALLAH HOW DO WE KNOW THAT THE TEACHINGS OF THE KORAN ARE THE TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD NOT ALLAH HOW DO WE KNOW THAT MUHAMMAD WAS ALLAH (THE ANTI – GOD) A DETAILED ANALYSIS OF EVIL IN THE NAME OF GODISLAM IS THE TEACHINGS OF THE EVIL MUHAMMAD NOT OF ANY GOD. BEING THE CREATION OF A MAN, ISLAM IS TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY BOGUS – A SHAM AND A FRAUDONE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE BUT TWO DRAMATICALLY DIFFERENT CONCEPTIONSThe universe is a huge entity stretching 14 billion years x 2 trillion miles (distance light travels in one year). Just in the Milky Way alone, there is an estimated 1 billion planets. In this immensity, there must be many life forms who like Homo Sapiens – exercise Free Will. While there is only one God of the universe, there is for mankind (homo sapiens) two dramatically different conceptions of God – there is God and then there is ALLAH (THE ANTI – GOD).CONCEPTION OF GODFor most of mankind – there is God – the Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Glorious Exalted Creator of the Universe, a God of All Peace, Love, Goodness and Mercy – an All Wise, All Loving God for all mankind. Following are self evident truths of GODGOD AS THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE – THE CREATOR OF ALL LIVING THINGS IS PERFECT. ALL TEACHINGS OF GOD – A PERFECT GOD – MUST BE PERFECTANY WRITINGS IN ANY RELIGIOUS TEXT THAT ARE NOT PERFECT ARE NOT THE TEACHINGS OF GOD BUT THE TEACHINGS OF MANAS A PERFECT GOD – GOD IS ALL PEACE AND LOVE AND GOODNESSALL MANKIND ARE CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD AND ARE THE CHILDREN OF GODALL OF MANKIND ARE CREATED EQUAL AND THEIR LIVES ARE SACRED TO GODGOD IS NOT AN IRRATIONAL, IMMORAL, EVIL BEING. IF GOD IS IRRATIONAL, IMMORAL, EVIL THEN GOD IS NOT PERFECT AND THEREFORE SINCE GOD CANNOT BE IMPERFECT AN IRRATIONAL, IMMORAL, EVIL GOD IS NOT GODMan’s natural concept of God, is a conception of Peace and Love, Goodness and Mercy, an All Wise, All Loving God for all mankind. All human beings are created in the image of God. All mankind is created equal and all their lives are precious and sacred to God. As the Omniscient Omnipotent Glorious Exalted Creator of the Universe and all living things – God is PERFECT. As PERFECTION, God is the embodiment of All Peace and Love. GOD is Anti – War. All war and violence are abhorrent to God – an affront to the intelligence He bestowed on mankind. God never intervened in any battle, never lead an army into battle, changed the weather allowing (His) side to be victorious or any other form of divine intervention etc. There is no – “His” side”. God is a non – religious entity. For God, there exists no concept of believers or non – believers, no chosen people. There is no one truth – no such thing as the one and only true religion. There are many ways to God. Even a total non – believer can ascend to Heaven provided he does not have an evil soul. Religion was invented by man as a vehicle to allow him to comprehend god. Because man is imperfect then religion is imperfect.God gave man a Free Will to do Good or Evil, to explore the truth of any question including – His existence. God does not demand obedience or adoration. Having given man intelligence, God believes that no man should be ruled by dictators. All men are created equal. God is not a racist.God created women as the equal of men. God is not a sexist.No man is the property of any other man – God is not a slaver. GOD is not a criminal. He is not a murderer. GOD has never killed or ordered the killing of any human being. He has never sent a storm or other calamity of nature to destroy any human being or city etc. God has never killed or ordered the killing of any human being. If God killed just one human being (or any other alien life form throughout the universe who exercises free will) then God is a murderer and God is no longer God. While God clearly has the power – He does not have the moral right to destroy the Earth. There are many different ways mankind can go to extinction. The end can come through the actions of man such as a nuclear holocaust, or the invention of a disease. Another way is for a comet to smash into the earth. Global warming could set off natural processes making the Earth uninhabitable leading to extinction. Definitely in 5 billion years, the sun will supernova destroying the earth. If God intervenes in these natural or human processes in any way and destroys the Earth because he is pissed off with Homo Sapiens or any other reason then God is the greatest mass murderer ever and God is no longer God. ALLAH (THE ANTI – GOD) For Muslims – there is Allah – the ANTI – GOD. Allah is the ANTI – GOD worshiped by 1.2 billion Muslims. Allah is the ANTI – GOD of war, murder, killing, death and destruction, violence, rape, slavery, torture, hate, terror, brutality, savagery, maiming, stoning, cutting off limbs, mutilations, looting and pillaging, extortion, sexual depravity, child molestation, intolerance, bigotry, sharia law, oppression and subjugation of women, inferiority of woman, women as instruments of sexual pleasure in paradise, wife beating, honor killings, inequality of infidels, inequality of any human being, that infidels can be murdered and their property stolen as a holy duty, that Muslims who renounce Islam can be killed, that Muslims (or anyone) who challenge the teachings of Islam can be murdered, that believers who slay and are slain in the service of God will ascend to a sexual Paradise of big eyed, big breasted virgins who they can sexually molest for all eternity THE KORAN IS NOT THE WORD/TEACHINGS OF GOD. THE KORAN IS A BOOK OF EVIL – A BOOK FILLED WITH VIOLENCE AND HATE WHICH BLASPHEMES AND IS A VERY GREAT SIN AGAINST GODThe greatest evil that anyone can commit is acts of violence against human beings in the name of and to the greater glory of God. The second greatest evil that can be committed is to preach evil in the name of God inciting violence against human beings. ALL TEACHINGS OF GOD – A PERFECT GOD – MUST BE PERFECT. ANY WRITINGS IN ANY RELIGIOUS TEXT THAT ARE NOT PERFECT – ARE NOT PERFECTION – ARE NOT THE TEACHINGS OF GOD BUT THE TEACHINGS OF MANIn order for the Koran to be the divine word of God – every word, every teaching must be PERFECT. Since God is PERFECT every word, every teaching of God – A PERFECT GOD must be PERFECT. If only one word, one teaching is not PERFECTION then the entire Koran is not a work of PERFECTION and therefore not the word/work of God. God cannot have some PERFECT teachings and other teachings that are IMPERFECT. In order to be the divine word of God, the entire Koran must be a work of PERFECTION – the PERFECT word/teachings of a PERFECT God. All teachings in the Koran and all Islamic texts (written or verbal) that are not PERFECT – that are not PERFECTION are not the teachings of God – A PERFECT GOD but the teachings of man – the teachings of Muhammad (ALLAH) – THE ANTI – GODThis means that all teachings recorded in the Koran and all other Islamic texts, revelations, writings, sayings, fatwa’s of war, murder, killing, death and destruction, violence, terror, rape, hate, violent jihad, terrorism, torture, brutality, savagery, maiming, wife beating, inferiority of woman, women as instruments of sexual pleasure in paradise, honor killings, stoning, cutting off limbs, chi
    ld sex, sharia law, bigotry, intolerance, extortion, slavery, mutilations, looting, pillaging, sexual depravity, child molestation, oppression and subordination of women, inferiority of woman, women as instruments of sexual pleasure in paradise, wife beating, honor killings, inequality of infidels, inequality of any human being, that infidels can be murdered and their property stolen as a holy duty, that Muslims who renounce Islam can be killed, that Muslims (or anyone) who challenge the teachings of Islam can be murdered, that believers who slay and are slain in the service of God will ascend to a sexual Paradise of big eyed, big breasted virgins who they can sexually molest for all eternity etc are evil and irrational AND NOT THE PERFECT TEACHINGS OF GOD – A PERFECT GOD – A GOD OF ALL PURE LOVE AND PEACE, GOODNESS AND MERCY – BUT THE TEACHINGS OF ALLAH – THE ANTI GOD – THE TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMADAGAIN – GOD IS NOT AN IRRATIONAL, IMMORAL, EVIL BEING. IF GOD IS IRRATIONAL, IMMORAL, EVIL THEN GOD IS NOT PERFECT AND THEREFORE SINCE GOD CANNOT BE IMPERFECT AN IRRATIONAL GOD IS NOT GOD.No God who is God would ever preach that killing and murdering of any human being in His name will be rewarded by accession to Paradise. You cannot climb to heaven on the corpses of the murdered. Infidels can be murdered by Muslims as an ETERNAL LAW OF GOD. Not only can they all be murdered but the wives and daughters of the murdered infidels can be taken as booty, raped, and then sold as slaves. That’s right – God permits the raping of female slaves. Indeed in Islam – rape is not a only a sexual weapon – it is a weapon of war. Having murdered the woman’s man, Muslims can now – sanctioned by the law of God complete their final humiliation and domination of her body. Her sons can be sold into slavery. If there is any doubt as to the boy’s age of puberty – Muslims can pull down their pants and inspect their genital area for hairs. Even the slightest sign of hair growth means that these young men can be taken and beheaded. These infidel women can then be bred like cattle and their off spring sold for profit. As an ETERNAL LAW OF GOD, Muslims can then loot and pillage the property of the murdered infidels, and must share 1/5 of the booty obtained from the sale of boys and women and the proceeds of looting with God. Muslims can own slaves as an ETERNAL LAW OF GOD. Slavery has been an integral institutionalized part of Islam since it’s creation by Muhammad. Muhammad owned 40 slaves. Muhammad was allowed by an ETERNAL LAW OF God to rape his slaves ALL THIS EVIL ARE THE LAWS OF GOD AS SET DOWN IN THE KORAN. Not only that but righteous Muslims who slay and are slain in the service of God can ascend as martyrs to the evil sexually depraved Islamic Paradise of eternal hard – ons and virgins who re – generate as virgins after each sex act. THIS IS THEIR ETERNAL REWARD FOR OBEYING THESE EVIL LAWS OF GOD.No God who is God would ever create a depraved Paradise full of big breasted, big eyed, sexual nymphs for suicide bombers, terrorists, murderers to molest for all eternity. If God commanded that infidels (or any other human being) be killed then he would be irrational and evil and no longer PERFECT – no longer God. If any teaching of God incites violence that leads to the killing of any human being then God is an accomplice to murder and therefore no longer God. No God who is God would ever teach His believers to rape unbelievers, loot their property, sell them in to slavery and then share 1/5 of the proceeds with God. To have God go to war on behalf of His religion and believers is an obscenity and a very great sin against God. To have God send angels into battle as instruments of war, death and destruction is an obscenity against God. To record in a so called Holy Book – the Koran – teachings of the rules of war, slavery, looting, pillaging, hate, terror, etc is a very great evil. Just declaring that such evil teachings in the Koran are the divine word of God is evil incarnate and an obscenity against everything God stands for – a blasphemy and a very great evil against God himself. KILLING, MURDER, SLAUGHTER, RAPE, LOOTING ARE ALL CRIMES TO ALL NORMAL RATIONAL HUMAN BEINGS. MURDER IS NOT A MULTI CULTURAL DIFFERENCE. RELIGION IS SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT THE BEST OF MANKIND NOT THE WORST.Therefore the Koran is not the word/teachings of God. NOT ONE WORD IN THE KORAN OR ANY OTHER ISLAMIC TEXT IS FROM GOD. NO GOD WHO IS TRULY GOD WOULD EVER SPEW SUCH PURE HATRED AND INTOLERANCE. NO GOD WHO IS GOD WOULD EVER CREATE A RELIGION OF WAR, DEATH AND DESTRUCTION. NO GOD WHO IS GOD WOULD EVER PREACH TEACHINGS OF MURDER, TORTURE, AND CRUELTY. NO GOD WHO IS GOD WOULD EVER SANCTION MURDERING PEOPLE AND THEN STEALING THEIR PROPERTY. NO GOD WHO IS GOD WOULD EVER ALLOW ANY HUMAN BEING TO BE THE SLAVE OF ANOTHER. NO GOD WHO IS GOD WOULD EVER TEACH THAT WOMEN AND CHILDREN CAN BE SOLD INTO SLAVERY AS PROCEEDS OF WAR BOOTY. NO GOD WHO IS GOD WOULD EVER DEMAND THE PROCEEDS OF WAR BOOTY, LOOTING AND PILLAGING. NO GOD WHO IS GOD WOULD EVER TEACH THE RAPE OF SLAVE WOMEN. AGAIN AS STATED ABOVE – NO GOD WHO IS GOD WOULD EVER TEACH THAT INFIDELS CAN BE MURDERED AS A HOLY DUTY, THAT MUSLIMS WHO RENOUNCE ISLAM CAN BE KILLED, THAT MUSLIMS (OR ANYONE) WHO CHALLENGE THE TEACHINGS OF ISLAM CAN BE MURDERED. NO GOD WHO IS GOD WOULD EVER PREACH THAT KILLING AND MURDERING OF ANY HUMAN BEING IN HIS NAME WILL BE REWARDED BY ACCESSION TO PARADISE. NO GOD WHO IS GOD WOULD EVER CREATE A SEXUAL PARADISE OF BIG BREASTED, BIG EYED VIRGIN NYMPHS FOR SUICIDE BOMBERS, TERRORISTS, MURDERERS TO MOLEST FOR ALL ETERNITY. NO GOD WHO IS GOD WOULD EVER DEMONIZE, OPPRESS AND SUBORDINATE WOMEN MAKEING THEM TOTALLY INFERIOR TO MEN – WORTH ½ A HUMAN BEING. NO GOD WHO IS GOD WOULD EVER SEND AN EVIL, CRIMINAL LIKE MUHAMMAD AS HIS PROPHET TO CREATE A RELIGION TO TERRORIZE MANKIND. THE ALLAH OF THE KORAN NEVER EXISTED EXCEPT IN THE MIND OF MUHAMMAD. THERE NEVER WERE ANY REVELATIONS FROM ALLAH TO MUHAMMAD. THE KORAN IS THE TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD – THE TEACHINGS OF ALLAH – THE ANTI-GOD. BEING THE TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD AND NOT GOD – ISLAM IS TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY BOGUS – A SHAM AND A FRAUD The above LAWS OF ALLAH destroys Islam’s religious credentials, Muhammad’s authority, and Allah’s credibility. Allah justifying violent criminal acts to satisfy a prophet’s lust for sex and power is unfathomable. If we are to believe Muhammad, Allah approved murder, terror, thievery, and kidnapping for ransom etc. This is immoral. An immoral God cannot be trusted. An immoral deity isn’t worthy of a religion, devotion, sacrifice, or martyrdom. Since God is PERFECTION – He cannot be immoral and still be God. As stated previously, Allah never existed. The immoral, irrational, evil Allah of the Koran was the creation of Muhammad. He created Allah. He created Islam. He created the evil LAWS OF ALLAH. MUHAMMAD WAS ALLAH AND ALLAH WAS M UHAMMAD. The same is true for an immoral prophet. The only thing more devastating than a man professing situational scriptures to legitimize terror, murder, robbery, and kidnapping for ransom is to lure billions to their doom by implying these words were inspired by God. Islam was nothing more than a cover for immoral sexual depravity and financial gain. Muhammad was a murderous con man.There have been millions of murderers, millions of kidnappers, millions of terrorists. There have been millions of sexual predators. Thieves are a dime a dozen. And there have been a score of men who have done these things while claiming to be anointed by God. Yet only one invented a “religion” and falsified “scripture” to satiate his demonic cravings. This is why Muhammad, Islam’s lone prophet, qualifies as the most evil man to have ever lived.

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