Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Amina must be back at school next week!

Nadia ElfaniAmina is reportedly being detained by family members who found her with the assistance of the police! She is stressed and has no freedom of movement or communication.

Rather than arresting the Islamist who threatened Amina with death by stoning and flogging, the police have assisted her family in detaining her against her will.

Amina has done nothing wrong and must be released immediately.

She is meant to be back at school next week; she must be there. And she must be safe and unharmed.

On 4 April, International Day to Defend Amina, we will remind the Tunisian government, the police, the Islamists and those in her family detaining her against her will that Amina’s protest against misogyny is ours.

She represents us all.

(Via Caroline Fourest) Photo is of Tunisian Filmmaker Nadia El-Fani.


3 responses to “Amina must be back at school next week!”

  1. […] Amina must be back at school next week! […]

  2. As a man and a relative of women/girls, I totally oppose treatment of women or girls, in any disrespectful and/or objectionable way.
    It is only a weak and/or inferior man or organization who would behave towards a female that way – not a strong and proud one!
    Amina’s stance deserves to be respected, as an expression of a person’s rightful wish and demand for personal and others’ deserved freedom and entitlement, not least as a consequence of the United Nations’ (Universal Declaration of) Human Rights.
    Free Amina at once, opponents and infidels* of the Human Rights!
    (*’Non-believers in Human Rights’)
    NB (name publication withheld)

  3. […] 27 March 2013: Amina must be back at school next week […]

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