Dear friend
New Report – Enemies Not Allies: The Far-Right
A new One Law for All report explores how the far-Right has attempted to hijack opposition to Islamism for its own ends. It focuses on the British National Party, the English Defence League and Stop Islamisation of Europe/America, and exposes how their activities, associations, opinions and intentions reveal a racist and inhuman worldview, which must be resisted and criticised with as much vigilance as Islamism itself. You can see the relevant press release and report here.
‘Sharia controlled zones’
Recently, the Islamist group Muslims Against Crusades began what it called a campaign for “Islamic emirates” throughout Britain by putting up posters declaring areas of east London as “sharia controlled zones”. One Law for All has pointed out that this group is a far-Right group which must be opposed. See press release here.
Upcoming events and coverage
Co-Spokesperson, Maryam Namazie, will be visiting Australia during the last two weeks of August to highlight the importance of opposing Sharia and religious laws and defending universal rights, citizenship and secularism. To see a list of engagements and read her recent opinion piece in The Australian, click here. You can also read my article on sharia law in the Cambridge University Law Society journal here.
Support us!
Thanks to each and every one of you who has donated to our important campaign. We wouldn’t have come this far without your support. If you’d like to and can donate or become a 100Club member, please visit here. Every little does go a long way in the fight against Sharia and for secularism and rights.
By the way, if you shop online, you might be interested in doing so via the Easy Fundraising website. It won’t cost you anything extra but can help raise much needed funds for One Law for All.
Finally, if you haven’t already signed up to the One Law for All campaign, please join the over 28,000 people and groups that have.
Thanks again
Warmest wishes
Anne Marie Waters
One Law for All Spokesperson
1. Enemies Not Allies: The Far-Right can be downloaded free of charge or a paperback copy purchased from One Law for All for £8.50. To purchase the book or donate to the work of One Law for All, please either send a cheque to our address below or pay via Paypal by visiting: Donate Page.
2. The One Law for All Campaign was launched on 10 December 2008, International Human Rights Day, to call on the UK Government to recognise that Sharia and religious courts are arbitrary and discriminatory against women and children in particular and that citizenship and human rights are non-negotiable.
3. For further information contact:
Maryam Namazie
Anne Marie Waters
One Law for All
BM Box 2387
London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731
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