On Jack Straw and the Veil

Visit TV International English site for an interesting interview with Hamid Taqvaee on the veil in this week’s programme by clicking here. More to follow…

Two sides of one coin

A 21st century worthy of human beings is difficult to envision when our lives, our rights, our children, cities, schools and homes – are caught…

Stop Stonings Now!

28 September 2006 UA 257/06 Death penalty/ stoning IRAN Parisa (f) ] Iran (f) ] full names known to Amnesty International Khayrieh (f) ] Shamameh…

Help Nazanin!

CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE ONLINE PETITION On January 3, 2006, 18-year-old Nazanin Mahabad Fatehi was sentenced to death for murder by court in Iran…

Chavez’s Embrace of Iran Leader Insults Women

Run Date: 09/27/06 By Jennifer Fasulo WeNews commentator Venezuela’s Chavez has publicly embraced Iran’s reactionary President Ahmadinejad. Jennifer Fasulo says this shows how women’s lives…

Save Kobra Rahmanpour from Execution now!

An open letter To all noble humans, and all human right defender bodies I, Abolfazl Rahmanpour, the father of Kobra Rahmanpour pledge you to protest…