Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Beating your wife honours her

Here’s a video clip of an Islamic ‘scholar’ speaking about the wife-beating ‘etiquette’ in Islam; he says ‘Allah honours wives by instating the punishment of beatings’. Yes, it is such a sign of respect and honour not to have a man shake your hand, to be segregated, to be veiled and to be beaten, amongst other things.

Not surprisingly, the scholar’s ‘interpretation’ is not very different from the [not so] ‘moderate Ahmadiyaa speakers I debated last week. They too said beat her only after admonishing her, don’t leave marks, and so on and so forth. Listen to the ‘scholar’ here:

By the way, the speakers also said that Mohammad never beat anyone (sort of like they said he didn’t stone anyone either). Here are some Hadith that say otherwise:

Sunaan Abu Dawud: A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife…11.2142
Book 11, Number 2142: Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife.
Beat your wife if she is insolent but do not beat her like a slave-girl…1.0142

And here’s more.

Now this is my main problem with the ‘we have a different interpretation’ excuse.

All the interpretations end up with women being beaten…

(Thanks to Ghaffar for the Ahmadiyaa and Hadith links)


20 responses to “Beating your wife honours her”

  1. Disgusting. It stuns me that misogynists like that still exist in the 21st century. How’s about giving women ACTUAL respect and honor, instead of blows and second-class status?

  2. Brother Yam Avatar
    Brother Yam

    “There is a beating etiquette.”

    Oh, so that makes it all right. Stupid me…

  3. How do they get from not wanting to marry a crybaby to wanting to be beaten?
    And, if beating is only allowed in case she doesn’t want to have sex, how come that before beating he must punish her by not having sex with her?

  4. Martyn Hughes Avatar
    Martyn Hughes

    “Even when he beats her, he must not curse her”.

    I concur.

  5. Martyn Hughes Avatar
    Martyn Hughes

    I’d love to know where they got their statistics from.

    “90 per cent of british women don’t want a weak man, who sits down and cries the moment there is a problem”

    Oh dear. Come on boys, if you’re making it up as you go along, why not 95% of British women surveyed. 🙂

  6. Martyn Hughes Avatar
    Martyn Hughes

    “The is a ‘beating etiquette’ he says.

    Well, that seems to be the gist of it. Unfortunately for them, this [spousal beating] is not a socially accepted behaviour.

    Not now, not ever again.

    1. Martyn Hughes Avatar
      Martyn Hughes

      * There is a ‘beating etiquette’ he says*

  7. That is some sick and psychotic twisted thinking. Seems to me it is dehumanizing, disrespectful, and a dishonour to beat a woman, but as I said in another thread, the husband can send the woman to her room (like a child) and scourge (whip) her, according to the Quran. I don’t think that is a matter of interpretation either. Then again, I could never figure out why anyone would want to use such vile and violent books to guide their life or why people born and living in the modern age cannot see these things as barbaric. Keep in mind, there are even some Xian sects that believe it is OK to beat a woman or a child and quote chapter and verse that justifies it, so this is not exclusive to Islam. Even so, you would think the human race would grow beyond such primitive caveman thinking.

  8. Mohammed never beat anyone. He would just behead them if they did not listen to his psychopathic, pedophilic rants. But remember god loves you even if you are only a woman.

  9. sailor1031 Avatar

    “Treat women well, for they are [like] domestic animals (‘awan) ”

    seems to be the essential point. Until the koran and the hadith change, nothing else will change.

  10. billsheehan Avatar

    I know there’s an order of magnitude of difference, but it reminds me of 30-year-old Mike Peters cartoon of a woman sitting on a steno chair with a pair of dictaphone headphones on her head. The text, to the best of my memory, was, “This is Mary. She’s underpaid, harassed by her boss, and stuck in a sexually stereotyped job. Yet she’s against the Equal Rights Amendment. Why?”

    “She likes being treated special.”

  11. They too said beat her only after admonishing her, don’t leave marks, and so on and so forth.

    That’s classic abuse right there. No marks so people don’t ask and wonder (and are less likely to believe the abused,) make it sound like it’s their fault and claim it was only after all other reasonable approaches failed.

    And this is the moderate loving Islam I keep hearing about. I can hear the apologist now “At least he doesn’t advocate stoning!” Yes because that’s such a great concession on his part.

    1. eek. messed up the tags. trying again

      They too said beat her only after admonishing her, don’t leave marks, and so on and so forth.

      That’s classic abuse right there. No marks so people don’t ask and wonder (and are less likely to believe the abused,) make it sound like it’s their fault and claim it was only after all other reasonable approaches failed.

      And this is the moderate loving Islam I keep hearing about. I can hear the apologist now “At least he doesn’t advocate stoning!” Yes because that’s such a great concession on his part.

      1. Nah, that’s not moderate, that’s actually pretty orthodox, at least since Jalalein in the 15th century. Moderates read the part of the Quran that says “beat” to mean “separate from” instead. Unfortunately that interpretation is linguistically unsupportable, but that’s another argument.

        1. Thanks for the info. This may be me presuming a bit but, do you know any English books that discuss the Qu’ran from a historical perspective? Something in the style of Jesus, Interrupted?

          1. The only one I’m aware of that comes even close is Ibn Warraq’s What the Koran Really Says. It’s a collection of scholarly essays on the linguistics of the Koran and some speculation about how it was put together and what it’s origins are. I’ve only read about 20% of it though.

  12. Ned Champlain Avatar
    Ned Champlain

    The Imam’s name translates to Richard Cranium?

  13. What a sad, weak little man you must be if you need to beat your wife to have sex. A true embarrassment to real men everywhere.

    Why would you want to have sex with someone who doesn’t want to have sex with you? Where is the pleasure? Where is your masculinity?

  14. Please accept my apologies for the use of expletives but the sooner that this man and all of his like fuck off and die, the better a place the world will be

    1. Wow…and I would “honor” him right back with a bang if ya get my drift.

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