Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Don’t forget to come to enemies not allies seminar

If you have ever thought that the English Defence League or Stop Islamisation of Europe are okay or that United Against Fascism is a progressive organisation, come to our seminar on 26 January and hear why they are not. We have been researching a number of far-right organisations as well as the pro-Islamist left in order to show that they are not to be allied with in the fight for equal rights and against religious laws.

Join us for an interesting discussion and debate.

You don’t need to pre-book to come to the event. Registration begins at 18.00 at Conway Hall. The seminar will start at 18.30 and go on until 20.00.

Make sure you come.

Here is more information on it:

‘Enemies not Allies’ Seminar
26 January 2011, 18.30 – 20.00 (Registration begins at 18.00), Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL (Holborn Tube)

Bigots and neo-Nazis feigning to campaign for rights… ‘anti-racist’ groups promoting fascism… ‘anti-war’ rallies run by supporters of terrorism and dictatorship… Enough!

The One Law for All campaign is holding a seminar to expose how important debates including on Sharia law have been hijacked by the far-Right to promote their racist agenda, and by anti-racist and anti-war groups to defend Islamism, both at the expense of people’s rights and lives. The seminar will focus on: The British National Party, the English Defence League, Stop Islamisation of Europe (also Stop Islamization of America), the Stop the War Coalition, the Respect Party, and Unite Against Fascism.

Speakers at the seminar are Adam Barnett (One Law for All), Rahila Gupta (Women’s Rights Campaigner), Marieme Helie Lucas (Secularism is a Women’s Issue), Ghaffar Hussain (Quilliam Foundation), Douglas Murray (Centre for Social Cohesion), Maryam Namazie (One Law for All), and Shiraz Maher (International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation), with John Adams (Emeritus Professor at the University of Hertfordshire) to chair.

Entry fee: £5 individuals; £10 voluntary and statutory organisations. For booking form and speaker bios visit


One response to “Don’t forget to come to enemies not allies seminar”

  1. According to Marxist dogma, all 'genuine' spontaneous working-class movements should be left-wing proletarian uprisings, and preferably led, or rapidly taken over, by the Marxist intelligentsia.

    Anything that doesn't fulfill these criteria is by definition 'fascist' , despite all factual evidence to the contrary. This is why far left anti-Sharia organisations such as One Law for All will probably never be able to co-operate with the EDL.

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