Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

From Wall Street to Every Street

Revolution against Capitalism is Raging!

The revolution that erupted in North Africa and the Middle East have inspired millions in Europe; In Greece, Italy, Spain, England, France, and in North America; New York, Portland, Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal, and in Australia in Sydney and in Auckland, New Zealand, and in Tokyo, Japan, and in many others.

The essence of this international uprising is the protest against capitalism. It is the uprising of the deprived humanity against the oppression and greed of capitalism. It is also the uprising against corruption and the complete inability of this system to answer for the needs of the people. This revolutionary uprising will not be delayed by the plots of the owners’ class, neither by its soft talk, nor by its military threats and wars.

The International bourgeoisie has been trying, since the fall of the two pole system some 20 years ago, to regain its balance through creating another terrorist pole, another monster that it had dragged from the dirts of the Middle East, in order to put as a competitor in its military slaughter. But the camp of humanity today has come forward and is currently protesting in many countries around the world, and clearly announces that it does exist in the face of these two monsters. It announces that it can no longer accept the attacks and atrocities of capitalists, not by Islamic nationalist capitalists in North Africa and the Middle East, not by the Liberal, conservatives, and neo-conservatives in Europe, the US, Japan, and elsewhere. It has decided that it stops this brutal force from attacking people’s livelihood and strongly strike back.

In Iraq, the situation is very tense. The rate of unemployment has reached rocket-high levels. People are hungry and deprived of basic services and of any hope in the future. All infra-structure has been destroyed.The Youth are in dismay and have no clear future. The state in Iraq is a state of robbers, looters, gangs of Islamic terrorist thugs who serve the interests of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and of course, the US. The state in Iraq, with the support of Western governments, is intimidating the egalitarian, women, and workers activists, following a policy of kidnap and assassination. The time for these thugs to go has come.

Our party salutes the revolutionary uprisings that sweep the world from Athens and London, to New York and Los Angeles and Toronto, from San’a in Yemen to Tunisia, through Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo and Ben Ghazi, the revolution is gaining momentum. Our party considers itself one of the forces of social revolution for a better world, a freer and more humane world. Our party also salutes the uprising of the people of Iraq for freedom and equality and human dignity and call them to strengthen their ranks to overthrow the gangs imposed by the US after swamping millions in their own blood.

Victory to the Peoples’ Revolution for Freedom, Equality, and Human Dignity!
Down with Capitalism!
Forward for a Better and Socialist World !

The Left Worker-communist Party of Iraq – LWPI

Issam Shukri


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