Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

8 November Day: of Action for #Ahoo Daryaei

In Solidarity with Ahoo Daryaei
‎در همبستگی با آهو دریایی
8 Nov, 3:30-4:30pm
Piccadilly Circus, London

On 2 November, a female student from Tehran’s Science and Research University (apparently called Ahoo Daryaei) removed her clothes on campus in protest to being harassed by security forces over mandatory hijab rules. She was violently beaten, arrested and reportedly transferred to a psychiatric ward.

It is the Islamic regime of Iran’s control and suppression of women’s bodies, it is sharia, compulsory veiling, the hatred of women that is the madness, not women’s defiance and screams against misogyny.

When being a woman is a crime, when women’s bodies, hair, voices, sexuality are deemed blasphemous, corrupt and a source of fitnah, nudity becomes an important form of resistance.

FEMEN and One Law for All stand with her and demand her immediate release.

We call on women everywhere to join an International Day of Action for Ahoo Daryaei by posting photos and videos of ourselves on Friday 8 November using these hashtags:


New photos of Ahoo, and information about her in a conversation with her relatives who say that her family and relatives are under severe pressure:
“Several relatives of the student who took off her clothes at Tehran University of Science and Research to protest against the harassment and interference of the university’s Basij, have sent photos and explanations about this woman.
One of her close relatives said: ‘Her birth certificate name is Mehla, but her friends and relatives call her Ahoo at her request. We know her as a very brave woman who never gave in to force.’
He also said: ‘Ahoo has two young children. She was married once but separated from her wife some time ago. Her ex-husband is the same person who appeared in media as this woman’s husband to ask people not to publish her symbolic protest video.’
Another of Ahoo’s relatives said that the security agents have disabled Ahoo’s Instagram page because she posted many videos and pictures of herself and her children on her Instagram page, which clearly showed that this woman not only has no mental and emotional problems, but that she is bold, happy and full of passion for life.”

‎دانشجویی از دانشگاه علوم و تحقیقات تهران به نام آهو دریایی در اعتراض به آزار و اذیت نیروهای امنیتی بخاطر قوانین حجاب اجباری، لباس‌های خود را در محوطه دانشگاه درآورد است. نیروهای امنیتی او به شدت مورد ضرب و شتم قرار داده، دستگیر کرده و طبق گزارش ها به بیمارستان روانپزشکی تهران منتقل کرده اند
‎روانی خود جمهوری اسلامی، شریعت اسلام، حجاب اجباری، کنترل و سرکوب بدن زنان و زن ستیزی است نه زن معترض.
‎وقتی زن بودن جرم است، وقتی بدن، مو، صدا، تمایلات جنسی زنان کفرآمیز، «فاسد» و منبع فتنه تلقی می شود، اعتراض عریان به اشکال مهمی از مقاومت تبدیل می شود.
‎‏سازمان فمن و قانون برابر برای همه #آهودریایی حمایت می کنند و خواستار آزادی فوری او هستند.
‎ما از زنان سراسر جهان می‌خواهیم تا با ارسال عکس‌ها و ویدیوهای خود همبستگی خود را در روز جمعه 8 نوامبر با استفاده از این هشتگ‌ها به روز جهانی اقدام برای #آهودریایی


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