100 Cities against Stoning – 28 August 2010

Anybody can organise an action day in his or her city to defend Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the 43 woman condemned to death by stoning for ‘adultery.’ Even if you don’t have someone else to help you, by advertising your protest others will join you. The action can be anything from an act of solidarity with a couple of friends to a larger protest action or rally.

1. Find a suitable, busy place in the centre of your city and immediately obtain police permission. We suggest that you start your protest at 2p.m. (on 28th August). If for any reason this is not suitable, just choose a different time.
2. If you are planning an act of solidarity on your own or with a few friends, you don’t need police permission. An act of solidarity can include anything from holding a poster of Sakineh and collecting signatures or handing out leaflets on her situation to passers-by.
3. After getting permission from the police or deciding when and where you will be carrying out your act of solidarity, let us know straightaway so that we can advertise your protest/action on sites such as the International Committee against Stoning, International Committee against Execution, Iran Solidarity, Mission Free Iran, etc. so others will know about your action day and can get in touch with you.
4. You can find similar-minded people to help you organise your protest or action. State the time and place of your protest and advertise it in your city, Facebook and in other ways to let people know about it. In this way, you will find enthusiastic people to help you.
5. Useful materials for the protest are:
 Posters, not smaller than A3
 One cotton sheet, 2m x 3m for collecting signatures
 A few pens and markers
 A camera for taking pictures and videos for websites
6. Soon after the protest, send us your photos and videos and a short report of your protest.
7. Even one person can mount a protest using these suggestions, but it is easier with two people. Involving several people allows more possibilities; for example, you could hire a microphone and talk to people. You can make your protest more graphic by asking someone to sit on the ground and cover them with a white cotton sheet with a few pink stains. Put a few “stones” made of paper or cardboard beside them.
8. Let the media know about your protest and ask them to interview you as organisers of the action day and the people who have come to support you. Intensify your advertising campaign a few days before your protest to make people aware of your event. Invite artists, organisations and activists defending women’s rights, human rights and members of parliament. Encourage your local media to interview you so people in your city will be informed.

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