Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

I won’t cover my hair

Amira Osman Hamed says:

I’m Sudanese. I’m Muslim, and I’m not going to cover my head.

Today, 19 September, she faces trial in the Sudan for refusing to wear the hijab and will be flogged if convicted.

She says she’s prepared to be flogged to defend the right to leave her hair uncovered in defiance of a “Taliban”-like law.

It would be good if secularists could take some time out of their busy schedule defending the veil and burqa to defend the likes of Amira.

Here’s a petition you can sign (thanks to Jane J for forwarding it to me).

Also Tweet: Save Amira Osman Hamed from flogging in Sudan. #Amira #Sudan #flogging. Do it now please.



5 responses to “I won’t cover my hair”

  1. […] Osman Hamed says: faces trial in the Sudan for refusing to wear the hijab and will be flogged if convicted. She says […]

  2. mildlymagnificent Avatar


  3. Lucas Fiuza Avatar
    Lucas Fiuza

    Hi and good work!
    Just to let you know that you’re currently linking the petition’s “thank you” page.
    Change the link to instead so no one is misled in the process!

  4. The link should point to:

    The link above links directly to the ‘thank you for taking action’ page, rather than to the page to take action on.

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