Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Iran does not have necessary facilities to stone Sakineh to death so want to hang her instead

Malek Ajdar Sharifi, the head of the judiciary in East Azerbaijan, said on Sunday that the prison does not have the “necessary facilities” to carry out Sakineh Mohamadi Ashtiani’s sentence of stoning!! Therefore, he said, they are considering hanging as an alternative. Really? Have they run out of stones and hired Islamic sadists?

More likely, it is as Mina Ahadi of the International Committee against Stoning says. “Sharifi’s remarks prove[s] that international pressure ha[s] succeeded”. We may never see another stoning take place as a result of this pressure but this international outrage must also save Sakineh’s life. It’s been done before. It can be done again.


27 responses to “Iran does not have necessary facilities to stone Sakineh to death so want to hang her instead”

  1. […] Islamic Republic of Iran has announced plans to execute rather than stone Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani. We can’t let this […]

  2. L.Berwari: Exactly. Sharia laws are crazy, as is Halakha, as are all religion-based laws. And there shouldn’t be death penalty for anything, under any legal system.

    1. You are so right.

      In 2011, only 9 countries in the World carried out executions:

      Bangladesh, China, Iran, North Korea, the Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, UAE, USA.

      Let’s hope that 2012 is an improvement.

      Interesting that USA, the most Christian country on Earth still carries out executions.

  3. This must be a joke…. to hang her is aslo bad too becouse she is GOONA DIIIIEEEE…….. Just free this woman and let her live her life!!!
    Bad Iran and their crazy Sharia laws,…

  4. Martyn Hughes Avatar
    Martyn Hughes

    It seem’s to me, Iran can not carry out the stoning of Sakineh Mohamadi because of the international outrage it had justifiably provoked – as Mena Ahadi point’s out.

    But, it can carry out a hanging. After all, what can the US or any other country with the death penalty say about it?

    To condemn stoning – even when you have your own state sponsored murdered techniques is one thing – but these countries will have their hands tied behind their backs now. Iran probably knows this.

    However, it wasn’t world governments who prevented the stoning in the first place, it was individual citizens of different countries who made the objection.

    The objection [to Sakineh Mohamadi’s death] will be made again.

    1. “But, it can carry out a hanging. After all, what can the US or any other country with the death penalty say about it?”

      More false equivalence, there’s no comparison between a state that puts violent criminals to death and a state that kills women for adultery.

      1. Martyn Hughes Avatar
        Martyn Hughes

        No Riley, it is not a ‘false equivalence’.

        The US may put to death violent criminals and not adulterers as such, however, how many of these violent criminals [that are murdered] by the state are black, mentally ill, or still very young?

        A large proportion, I believe. Yet the US still carries out this act.

        Iran considers adultery a crime against morality. It has the death penalty for this ‘crime’.

        It can be argued that there are extenuating circumstances involved when a young mentally ill person commits a violent crime.

        It can be argued that adultery is no more a crime than being a wizard (check out the recent story about a Saudi woman being executed recently).

        Arguing over details is fruitless really, if the state decides who is a criminal and who deserves to die.

        The prinicpal is the same. state sponsored murder is state sponsored murder and it needs to end. For all crimes. Real or imaginary.

        1. Martyn, I already posted this but below you can read how the majority of people executed have been White.

          Is it too much to ask that you actually know what you’re talking about? Lawyers representing mentally ill people can use the insanity defense, anyone who has seen a courtroom drama knows that.

          “Arguing over details is fruitless really, if the state decides who is a criminal and who deserves to die.
          The prinicpal is the same. state sponsored murder is state sponsored murder and it needs to end. For all crimes. Real or imaginary.”

          This is actually offensive, you think that executing a mass murderer is on par with killing a woman for having sex; certainly there are a number of excellent arguments against the death penalty but you are not using any of them.

          1. Martyn Hughes Avatar
            Martyn Hughes

            Riley, did you read the data on that web-page before linking it?

            The majority of people on death row – in some, but not all states – are indeed white, however (and here’s the point)

            “In 82% of the studies [reviewed], race of the victim was found to influence the likelihood of being charged with capital murder or receiving the death penalty, i.e., those who murdered whites were found more likely to be sentenced to death than those who murdered blacks.”
            – United States General Accounting Office, Death Penalty Sentencing, February 1990

            It backs up Amnesty international US’


            I would like to ask you if it is too much for you to know what you’re talking about? but I’ll not bother, we’ll still be here next Tuesday.

            My point stands. The US cannot condemn the state sponsored murder of Iranian people – unfortunately – when it has it’s own death penalty. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would just laugh his arse off.

            [Consider discussion closed]

          2. Marty,
            That study is from 1990 its out of date; you might as well cite a study from 1980.

            “My point stands. The US cannot condemn the state sponsored murder of Iranian people – unfortunately – when it has it’s own death penalty. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would just laugh his arse off.”

            This is false equivalence and apologia for a dictatorship I’ve already explained why your stupid comparison simply doesn’t work; if you can’t see the difference between a death penalty designed to punish murderers and one designed to punish people for who they f*ck you need serious help. Its like a mobster on trial for trafficking children saying “you guys make your kids do chores, you’re in no position to condemn me.”

            “[Consider discussion closed]”


            Mriana, once again you prove yourself to be a massive waste of space I’m just marveling at how you’re able to use a computer, did you have help?

        2. I agree with you, Martyn, as many others seem to also, and it seems to me, Riley just likes disputing with people, so I’d just ignore him. Others can see he doesn’t have a clue as to what he’s talking about, without any of us having to address him.

          1. Martyn Hughes Avatar
            Martyn Hughes

            “That study is from 1990 its out of date; you might as well cite a study from 1980.”

            Riley, that is from the link *YOU* gave. LOL.

  5. Just when I thought you couldn’t get anymore cringe inducing you surprise me, lets run through what you have posted; your responded to a comparison of the KKK to another extremist group by pointing out that *gasp* the KKK targeted Blacks, nevermind that that has nothing to do with the topic, then you respond to me, completely ignore what I actually posted, insisting that I don’t “don’t know history” much like your silly comparison thats an extremely stupid thing to post. What dispute? Do you even know what that word means? There’s no discussion here, that would require reading comprehension on your part.

    1. No, dear, I was comparing the KKK’s lynching of Black people to the Islamic extremists now wanting to lynch Sakineh. That is the SAME THING! Lynching means hanging and that’s where I started to begin with. About the only difference is, they aren’t adding fire to their lynchings. What they are saying is, “Well, we can’t stone her, so let’s have a good old fashion lynching of women.” Instead of Black people, it’s women. If you don’t get that, Riley, then keep in mind, three fingers point back at you, when start with insanity of calling people this or that. I don’t know why you feel the need to blow my comment out of proportion just because you can’t comprehend what I’m saying, which does apply to this subject.

      1. The comparison is flawed, the IRI are a government the KKK are not not to mention obvious ideological and cultural differences. You can’t even spell ‘lynching’ correctly (you spelled it with an e at least three times) now you’re claiming that I “can’t comprehend what I’m saying” apart from how that sounds like something a little kid would say it is partly correct; your communication skills are terrible its a wonder that anyone can comprehend your imbecilic rambling. Your posts have been borderline incoherent, comically inaccurate (such as your stupid claim about death penalty and race) and very annoying; its a wonder that you’re able to use a computer at all.

  6. I didn’t say that their anti-catholic activities were on par with their attacks on Blacks, you see I don’t normally point out the painfully obvious since I assume the other person has at least a third grader’s reading comprehension. Are you finished embarrassing yourself or have you just acquired a taste for your own foot?

    1. I’m not the one who’s embarrassing himself or the one with the third grade education. Seems to me you can’t comprehend what others are saying and don’t know your history until it is pointed out to you and then you go try to turn things around. Whatever. Your dispute isn’t the point of the discussion, but if you want to embarrass yourself more, be my guest. You aren’t worth arguing with, because you don’t get what I’m saying to begin with.

  7. The klan’s concept of ‘whiteness’ was grounded in nativist bigotry directed at non-protestant immigrant such as Italians, Irish or Greeks and I notice you ignored the bulk of response to your hysterical comments.

    1. Now you are funny. Actually, no it a lot of it was directed at Black people. I don’t know where you learned about the South and the KKK, but you didn’t learn a thing about it. The KKK started after the Civil War and when Slavery ended. They terrorized Black people well into the Civil Rights movements. Granted the pestered others, but nothing like they did Black people. To this day the KKK is still racist against Black people.

  8. I’m not pro-death penalty but lethal injection is not a barbaric method of execution unlike stoning, your claim about minorities only reveals your ignorance, the majority of people executed have been White.

    “None of them are much better than lenching, which, BTW, IS what hanging is. What’s the difference between lenching a black man and lenching a woman? Not much difference IMO, so don’t go saying it is an absurdly stupid comparison. It’s ALL the same!”

    This bit of rambling makes no sense at all, care to explain? Actually the KKK was fiercely anti-Catholic, it was more comparable to the UDA than an Islamist terrorist group.

    1. What’s Catholicism have to with the Bile Belt? Many Protestants in the Bile Belt are anti-Catholic. Secondly, that is the nation as a whole and not the South. I take you are ignorant of the South as a whole.

  9. Thats an absurdly stupid comparison putting aside the wealth of evidence, he was executed by lethal injection which pales in comparison to the methods of execution discussed above. Even if we accept that he was innocent you do not grasp between a law designed to punish murder and a law designed to kill women for having sex. I don’t see a reason to be optimistic though since they probably will kill her to prove that they’re “defiant” in the face of “foreign pressure” etc etc.

    1. Absurdly stupid? Really? So you condone lethal injection and call it less barbaric? Have you looked at the number of minorities, specifically black males who are executed via lethal injection in the U.S. and the amount of evidence, or lack there of, for it? Whether it is gender or race, poison, ropes, or rocks, it’s all the same, IMO. None of them are much better than lenching, which, BTW, IS what hanging is. What’s the difference between lenching a black man and lenching a woman? Not much difference IMO, so don’t go saying it is an absurdly stupid comparison. It’s ALL the same!

      1. sc_770d159609e0f8deaa72849e3731a29d Avatar

        ‘It’s ALL the same!’

        The fact that one execution couldn’t be stopped is no reason not to try to stop another

        1. I wasn’t saying we shouldn’t stop it. I’m just wondering how we can stop it.

    2. Oh BTW, the KKK based it’s crap on religion too. Some places in the South, also known as the Bible Belt (or Bile Belt as I like to call it), aren’t much better today.

  10. Seems everything they chose is primitive, but then again, the execution of Troy Davis was not only barbaric, but there wasn’t enough evidence to convict him, yet they still did. Every country has it’s barbarism. Of course, that doesn’t make it right. It just makes it barbaric, primitive, and inhumane. If we could not save Troy Davis, how do we save Sakineh?

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