Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Kamloops here I come

I am off to Kamloops, BC Canada to speak at the Imagine No Religion 2 Conference being held during 18-20 May 2012. For more information on the conference, click here. It’s been sold out.

I’m looking forward to seeing some of the greats there (I’ll be seeing PZ again, yay!) but am not looking forward to the long journey and I am going to give power point another try…

I’ll be back on 22 May and may not be able to blog until then.


4 responses to “Kamloops here I come”

  1. Anyone know of video of her speaking at the event. I heard it got dramatic at one point when a Muslim (possibly the same one pawned by PZ Meyers outside in YT vid “PZ Myers argues embryology with Islamists “). If so someone reply with link or title.

  2. You are awesome, Maryam, and your presentation at INR2 was great. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me afterwards. I appreciate all the work you are doing and hope to find a way that I can contribute too

  3. Hi Maryam,

    It was great meeting you and getting to know you a bit at INR2. Your impassioned talk was truly inspiring and leaves me feeling like I want to do something to help your cause of fighting the insanity, slavery, and brutality of Islam.

    I shall be looking at ways I can donate to help your cause…and do what I can to help in other ways.

    You are a courageous woman and a true hero.

    Best wishes! BC

    PS. Hope your jet lag fog doesn’t last too long! Nice chatting with you at dinner.

  4. […] conference — there’s lots happening this weekend. It seems like the FtB contribution is split: Maryam, Ian, Natalie, Matt and I will be in Kamloops, while Ophelia, Jen, Stephanie, Sikivu, and Brianne […]

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