Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Launch of the Council of ex-Muslims of Britain

Advance information

A British branch of a new Europe-wide phenomenon is to be launched on Thursday 21 June in London. The Council of ex-Muslims of Britain is building on the stunning success of other branches already operating in Germany, Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The British Humanist Association and National Secular Society are sponsoring the launch and support the new organisation.

The Council will provide a voice for those labelled Muslim but who have renounced religion and do not want to be identified by religion.

Rights activist Maryam Namazie will be the voice of the organisation in this country. She said: “We are establishing the alternative to the likes of the Muslim Council of Britain because we don’t think people should be pigeonholed as Muslims or deemed to be represented by regressive organisations like the MCB. Those of us who have come forward with our names and photographs represent countless others who are unable or unwilling to do so because of the threats faced by those considered ‘apostates’ – punishable by death in countries under Islamic law. By doing so, we are breaking the taboo that comes with renouncing Islam but also taking a stand for reason, universal rights and values, and secularism. We are quite certain we represent a majority in Europe and a vast secular and humanist protest movement in countries like Iran.”

Mina Ahadi who initiated the original Central Council of Ex-Muslims in Germany will be attending the launch. She spoke about the aims of the organisation in an interview to Der Spiegel.

Mina Ahadi, Mahin Alipour (spokesperson of the Scandinavian organisation), Maryam Namazie and others will be available for interviews at the launch.


The launch will be at 11am (until midday), Thursday 21 June
Wilson Room
Portcullis House
Westminster SW1A 2LW

A manifesto explaining the aims of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain follows.

For more information please contact:
Maryam Namazie
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
BM Box 1919
London WC1N 3XX, UK
telephone: 07719166731
website (under construction)

Manifesto of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain

We, non-believers, atheists, and ex-Muslims, are establishing or joining the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain to insist that no one be pigeonholed as Muslims with culturally relative rights nor deemed to be represented by regressive Islamic organisations and ‘Muslim community leaders’.

Those of us who have come forward with our names and photographs represent countless others who are unable or unwilling to do so because of the threats faced by those considered ‘apostates’ – punishable by death in countries under Islamic law.

By doing so, we are breaking the taboo that comes with renouncing Islam but also taking a stand for reason, universal rights and values, and secularism.

Whilst religion or the lack thereof is a private affair, the increasing intervention of and devastation caused by religion and particularly Islam in contemporary society has necessitated our public renunciation and declaration. We represent a majority in Europe and a vast secular and humanist protest movement in countries like Iran.

Taking the lead from the Central Council of Ex-Muslims in Germany, we demand:

1. Universal rights and equal citizenship for all. We are opposed to cultural relativism and the tolerance of inhuman beliefs, discrimination and abuse in the name of respecting religion or culture.
2. Freedom to criticise religion. Prohibition of restrictions on unconditional freedom of criticism and expression using so-called religious ‘sanctities’.
3. Freedom of religion and atheism.
4. Separation of religion from the state and legal and educational system.
5. Prohibition of religious customs, rules, ceremonies or activities that are incompatible with or infringe people’s rights and freedoms.
6. Abolition of all restrictive and repressive cultural and religious customs which hinder and contradict woman’s independence, free will and equality. Prohibition of segregation of sexes.
7. Prohibition of interference by any authority, family members or relatives, or official authorities in the private lives of women and men and their personal, emotional and sexual relationships and sexuality.
8. Protection of children from manipulation and abuse by religion and religious institutions.
9. Prohibition of any kind of financial, material or moral support by the state or state institutions to religion and religious activities and institutions.
10. Prohibition of all forms of religious intimidation and threats.


70 responses to “Launch of the Council of ex-Muslims of Britain”

  1. fromerly majid ali, now rakesh tiwari Avatar
    fromerly majid ali, now rakesh tiwari

    Hi frds,

    I was earlier shia muslim of iranian descendant living in eastern border of india( murshidabad).People are getting tired of this new phrase”LOVE JEHAD” done by wahabi muslims. Immams spread sectarian hate and untouchability with upper and lower castes society within muslims( which is not popularly said). I too lived in this illusion opnce long time ago, hating hindus and bhuddists and hating them and seeking aggressively converts. I felt that i am doing untoward loathe against on other religious people, where i found that our religious leaders like immams, maulvis are hypocrites and enemies of islam. this is let you through my small experience.

    By birth i use to go to Shiv Mandir and i was very attracted to hinduism. In my dream, i saw lord shiva comming me and blessing me that one day i will be great scholar as great engineer and serve mankind doing good to everybody. But the immam of jama masjid (syed hussien iqbal qadri) of behrampore said never mix up with dhimmis, never mix them. But i found that hindus are most progressive people. So i was interested that they might be hating us as we do to them. But this was just opposite. Whenever i went to hindu brahman headmaster for mathematics doubts, he was very pleased of my sincerity and blessed me to pursue for higher studies. I was amazed to know this from him, whom i believed as filthy dhimmi malayoun.I completed mt bachelor of engineering and came back to my hometown after comnpletion of bachelorss.

    Then, one day i went to immamsaheb, to discuss whether the islamic waqf board can financially assist me to pursue masters in electrical enginnering in USA (university of california berkhelley). Immamsaheb turned angry on me and cursed me, instead of doing old styled of islamic chauvism spreading hatred, i openly adimred the hindu headmaster Mr Amar Upadhyay, for his support till now. So immamsaheb answered me, we muslims dont spend money on western education and questioned whether i will ever do any good to muslim society after i comeback to india(murshidabad).

    I was mellowed with anger and sadness that islam was blockage in my life and i regretted that why i was born as Muslim. I met again to my old school headmaster Mr.Amar Upadhyay and asked whether he can garuntee me for bank loan so that i can show enough funds of 30 lakhs to go abroad in USA. Again i came back with strong assurance of help. I qiestioned him, i was taught in masjid to hate your community, but why you wish to help me, when we muslims hate hindus and bhuddists. He replied me, your religion is muslim, but i dont have son, i feel you as my son, and son desires is never refused. He expalined few words of BHAGAWAT VEDAS: ” SAT VIPRU EKAM” I cant explain this VEDIC HYMM accurately, but it sole meaning is all the paths of religion end to god, which path be it is whether hinduism, or bhuddism, sikhism or islam. I felt that hinduism teaches hindus to give respect, love, honor same to non-hindus, which we never gave to non-muslims.

    When i came to USA in 2009, i decided to study about Hinduism and seek to convert to Hinduism. In 2010, i went to SHAIVA SHIDHANTA CHURCH, HAWAI where i reverted to HINDUISM. I decided to keep typical indian name. My name Md. Majid Ali changed to Sri Rakesh Tiwari. I am now strictly vegetarian and chant GAYATRI MANTRA & SURYAPRANAM 3 times a day.

    I appeal to this EX-MUSLIM BRITISH ASSOCIATION, to open up thier branch in india and i assure you that atleast 50% of indian muslims can leave the clutches of islamic slavery of maulvis and immams and come to most liberal religion hinduism, which respect every religion of the world, jUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY. I believe india is most secualar country of the world, where Hindus never made caricature even of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad. But strangely we muslims did all such attempts to defame HINDUISM like the bastard fanatic painter MF HUSSAIN who drew sketches of naked pictures of GODESSES KALI, GODESSES SARASWATI AND MATA LAKSHMI. But most strangely, these Hindus taxpayers spend 650 crores rupees for HAJ PILGRIMS who go to mecca. Tell by heart, can there exist any secular country better than my motherland, my INDIA, my BHARATVARSHA !!!!

  2. fromerly majid ali, now rakesh tiwari Avatar
    fromerly majid ali, now rakesh tiwari

    Hi frds,

    I was earlier shia muslim of iranian descendant living in eastern border of india( murshidabad).People are getting tired of this new phrase”LOVE JEHAD” done by wahabi muslims. Immams spread sectarian hate and untouchability with upper and lower castes society within muslims( which is not popularly said). I too lived in this illusion opnce long time ago, hating hindus and bhuddists and hating them and seeking aggressively converts. I felt that i am doing untoward loathe against on other religious people, where i found that our religious leaders like immams, maulvis are hypocrites and enemies of islam. this is let you through my small experience.

    By birth i use to go to Shiv Mandir and i was very attracted to hinduism. In my dream, i saw lord shiva comming me and blessing me that one day i will be great scholar as great engineer and serve mankind doing good to everybody. But the immam of jama masjid (syed hussien iqbal qadri) of behrampore said never mix up with dhimmis, never mix them. But i found that hindus are most progressive people. So i was interested that they might be hating us as we do to them. But this was just opposite. Whenever i went to hindu brahman headmaster for mathematics doubts, he was very pleased of my sincerity and blessed me to pursue for higher studies. I was amazed to know this from him, whom i believed as filthy dhimmi malayoun.I completed mt bachelor of engineering and came back to my hometown after comnpletion of bachelors.

    Then, one day i went to immamsaheb, to discuss whether the islamic waqf board can financially assist me to pursue masters in electrical enginnering in USA (university of california berkhelley). Immamsaheb turned angry on me and cursed me, instead of doing old styled of islamic chauvism spreading hatred, i openly adimred the hindu headmaster Mr Amar Upadhyay, for his support till now. So immamsaheb answered me, we muslims dont spend money on western education and questioned whether i will ever do any good to muslim society after i comeback to india(murshidabad).

    I was mellowed with anger and sadness that islam was blockage in my life and i regretted that why i was born as Muslim. I met again to my old school headmaster Mr.Amar Upadhyay and asked whether he can garuntee me for bank loan so that i can show enough funds of 30 lakhs to go abroad in USA. Again i came back with strong assurance of help. I qiestioned him, i was taught in masjid to hate your community, but why you wish to help me, when we muslims hate hindus and bhuddists. He replied me, your religion is muslim, but i dont have son, i feel you as my son, and son desires is never refused. He expalined few words of BHAGAWAT VEDAS: ” SAT VIPRU EKAM” I cant explain this VEDIC HYMM accurately, but it sole meaning is all the paths of religion end to god, which path be it is whether hinduism, or bhuddism, sikhism or islam. I felt that hinduism teaches hindus to give respect, love, honor same to non-hindus, which we never gave to non-muslims.

    When i came to USA in 2009, i decided to study about Hinduism and seek to convert to Hinduism. In 2010, i went to SHAIVA SHIDHANTA CHURCH, HAWAI where i reverted to HINDUISM. I decided to keep typical indian name. My name Md. Majid Ali changed to Sri Rakesh Tiwari. I am now strictly vegetarian and chant GAYATRI MANTRA & SURYAPRANAM 3 times a day.

    I appeal to this EX-MUSLIM BRITISH ASSOCIATION, to open up thier branch in india and i assure you that atleast 50% of indian muslims can leave the clutches of islamic slavery of maulvis and immams and come to most liberal religion hinduism, which respect every religion of the world, jUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY. I believe india is most secualar country of the world, where Hindus never made caricature even of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad. But strangely we muslims did all such attempts to defame HINDUISM like the bastard fanatic painter MF HUSSAIN who drew sketches of naked pictures of GODESSES KALI, GODESSES SARASWATI AND MATA LAKSHMI. But most strangely, these Hindus taxpayers spend 650 crores rupees for HAJ PILGRIMS who go to mecca. Tell by heart, can there exist any secular country better than my motherland, my INDIA, my BHARATVARSHA !!!!

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    there is not one verse in the QURAN or the HADITH that promotes Terrorism…there is not one verse that attacks humanity…Muslima was right people like Maryam are not "islamophobic" they are "Muslimphobic"..that is because they judge ISLAM on the basis of the actions of certain "black sheep" in the Muslim community…i dont mean to be desrespectfull but i urge you all to atleast read the whole of the quran once..IT WONT HARM U!

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    there is not one verse in the QURAN or the HADITH that promotes Terrorism…there is not one verse that attacks humanity…Muslima was right people like Maryam are not "islamophobic" they are "Muslimphobic"..that is because they judge ISLAM on the basis of the actions of certain "black sheep" in the Muslim community…i dont mean to be desrespectfull but i urge you all to atleast read the whole of the quran once..IT WONT HARM U!

  5. hmmm.. damn fine interesting. Well firstly as a liberal sufi muslim, I would like to say to maryam good luck as you will need it. Also one has to respect and admire your braveness and courage. No doubt many liberall muslims will understand your principles to a certain extent and no doubt many will find hope as well as contradictions in you. I certainly dont agree in in the totall islamaphobia,, after all many good, and positives have come about through the islamic civalisation. Unfortinately, one has to agree there are many bad sects that need to be rid of. AS FOR british muslims reading this please bear in mind,, with all due fairness people like maryam do reflect upon their experiences in life and have grown up in a muslim society, and hence are no doubt responible enough to make a decision which best reflex their experience. Atleast we will now begin to see a more fair and balanced argument against the wahabis and extremist.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    this is a load of bull shit hope all your ex muslims burn in hell….

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    British society is innocent. A myriad of peoples live in cosmopolitan Britain, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain etc. Only Muslims are misfits. They got problems everywhere and they got excuses everywhere. In US its US foreign policy, in UK its British society not treating Muslims Denmark it are Danish cartoonists drawing some pictures, in Holland its Van Gogh’s grandson making a movie and he has to die, and it is some stupid teddy bear someplace..and in Bali its Aussie tourists that need to be India it is Kashmir and of course the kafir idolatrous Hindus…in Pakistan a 99% Muslim country, the Qadianis, the Shias, the Ismailies got to be killed for reasons known only to Islam..the list goes on and on and on and on. The problem is Islam, not Muslims. Islam needs to be rejected in every every which way and Muslims liberated.

  8. SalaamIt is not Islam and Muslims who are creating problems, actually it is British society creating problems for the Muslim community.The Muslim community has been vicitm of Paki-bashing in all walks of life by the British society and Establishment for the last 60 years. Now it is vicitm of terrorism by the British Establishment. Thousands of Muslim youth are being serched in the streets and hundreds of them are behind the bar without any trial.State schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers are not suitable for Muslim children. This is the reason why majority of them leave schools with low grades.God has created diverse human beings to live in this tiny global villageas of one family. Creation by its very nature is deverse with different species, different communities, different cultures and languages. These differences represent the beauty and wonder but diversity is sometimes not fully appreciated, resulting in all sorts of clashes. The British society and Establishment must learn to respect and accommodate others, as if in a family.A Muslim is a citizen of this tiny global village. He/she does not want to become notoriously monolingual Brit. He/she is supposed to be well versed in standard English, Arabic, Urdu and other community languages, to be part of the Britisah society, as well as proud of his.her cultural roots and enjoy the beauty of his/her literature and poetry.

  9. Anonymous Avatar

    Well done for speaking up and doing something so positive. All religions have their stupid narrow minded or politically motivated leaders. All religions have some wierd sides. Unfortunately Islam doesn’t have the love of creation and humanity in its foundation and has been founded and developed on hatred of ‘the other’.I was born a Sikh and I admire the majority of what I see Sikhs actually doing in the real world- not everything is admirable of course. I do look at the root and foundation of Sikhism and the way the Founders lived out their beliefs and actions. They are inspirational and intelligent.The Sri Guru Granth say :‘Truth is high but even higher is truthful living’ Be inclusive and nonjudgemental ‘only the Creator knows who is good or bad’ and ‘All blessings to the whole of Humankind’ are the daily prayers.Sikhism says ‘there are no Strangers.’ Basic generic qualities of a good human: Love of humanity and promoting happiness, living Truthfully, behaving fairly, sharing with and supporting the weak and searching humbly for knowledge are not restricted to any one religion or group.The labels of religion are irrelevant to The Wonderful Force we silly humans call by so many different labels. ‘Actions speak louder than words’ is given practical form in Sikhism and people are exhorted to live as good people first whatever faith label they come under. I’m studying religions and so far can only admire the Sikh proactive approach to Life and everything!All humans have the right to search and question and choose. And change their religious label or have none.So good luck to your movement in exposing the dangerous jumble of energy called Islam under a spotlight. If there is true goodness in Islam it will only benefit and perhaps evolve ….or die. Good luckPaula

  10. I’m a humanist atheist, so I support anything anyone does to bring a little more sanity into the world. Be strong of heart and will.Unfortunately, as one of the white majority, I can’t criticise without being labelled racist, phobic or ignorant. I’m going to have to take a backseat and let brave people like you do all the arguing.Don’t be overwhelmed by the hostile responses you are getting. Set an example.

  11. Anonymous Avatar

    Thats Great Maryan!As muhmmadan religion was simple but speculated by Iranian philosophers, now they should speculate its aburdity.

  12. thank god for maryam! (no pun intended). the arab nations NEED more secular arabs because frankly, our countries are crumbling to nothing more than useless, religion deluded crap. if religion was seperate from state, like its meant to be, then things might actually run pretty well. religion is just human imagination that sprung from some homophobic, intolerant, selfish men who wanted power and had too much time on their hands.

  13. Anonymous Avatar

    I want to tell you how great it feels to be able to find like-minded people out there. I was a convert to Islam and I call myself now an ex-muslim. I support you 100%!!!

  14. Anonymous Avatar

    I’ll have to agree with the person that said “what kind of weak god is it that people must fight for it?” People, all gods are just a manifestations of human mind. The most accurate picture of a god could be in some kind of Buddhism-god is an energy and we are all just a part of it’s energy!Human mind can NEVER see the sight of a real Great Architect of all Universes…

  15. Anonymous Avatar

    Maryam, God has promised Hell Fire for those who do not belief in One true God and The Prophet. You will be judged in Judgement Day, while the rest of us….will enjoy. I can’t be bothered with people who identify themselves as ex-Muslims, Ex-Catholic, Ex-Jews. Religion is private. And you just made a mockery of yourself.

  16. Anonymous Avatar

    Congratulations to Maryam!!! Hope there will be more like her in all corners of the world, because islam is a pest on mankind.

  17. Anonymous Avatar

    Namazie hasn’t got the solution to the problems the West is facing ; the continous death spiral of the increasingly low birth rate – highest divorce/separation rate in the world,murder,rape,pornography,alcoholism,domestic violence,suicide,mental illnesses,sexually transmmitted infections ad nauseum…Namazie is ANGRY! She is against a nation that has the least of all of these problems, yes! The Muslims are in the DOLDRUMS, tyrants, dictators, despots rule the Muslim world…but there are NO MUSLIM COUNTRIES! Islam does not rule these countries, but still NAMAZIE is blaming ISLAM, why not the IRANIAN REGIME OR THE TALIBAN, OR SAUDI ARABIA? Why ISLAM? The MUSLIMS are doing far better than the WEST,even living under such corrupt leaders – they are far better in their life-styles. At least as far as SURVIVAL of the fittest is concerned, the Muslims are NOT in DECLINE. REMEMBER THE FALL AND DECLINE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE??

  18. Anonymous Avatar

    Good luck to you, brave woman.If I came from a Muslim background I would be very active in this kind of movement. While I will continue to argue that anyone who values freedom and equality must be honest about the threats to these values emanating from the basic tenets of Islam, actual reform will not be driven by a “white” critic, and the only hope is from courageous individuals like yourself.

  19. Maryam, I cannot understand how anyone can disagree with your sentiments. You have stated my wishes for and equal society very cearly. There is a need for your organisation as long as any individual’s needs are subsumed under a notional cultural identity, so that men are left free to abuse women and children because “it’s ok in ‘your culture’”. If anyone thinks I’m exaggerating they just need to look at some recent decisions in German courts, and thank god that their not a muslim woman even some Western countries.

  20. Anonymous Avatar

    Islam has it both ways…it enjoys the privilege of being a religion and therefore a sort of natural immunity against criticism…and of course there is always the followers of ‘misinterpreted’ Islam who are ready to pounce on you if you had as much said anything against Islam. On the other hand Islam is the purest form of political fascism which affects the life of everyone today, be it in Muslim countries or in a non Muslim society. Islam probably is the winningest formula invented by man..until people like Ms Namazie or Taslima Nasreen came along, bleeding heart liberals were actually defending against scrutiny or criticism of Islam, as it might hurt the sentiments of its followers. The country which is completely hostage to this perception is India.

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