I am still reeling from much of the rubbish Douglas Murray spouted at yesterday’s One Law for All seminar entitled ‘Enemies not Allies.’ I couldn’t respond to him as I would have liked because there just wasn’t enough time and as spokesperson of One Law for All I had to try to keep to the subject at hand.
But that is what personal blogs are for.
Video footage of the excellent event and discussion will be made available soon but I want to make sure that I address some of the things he said particularly on immigration, the pope and paedophilia in the church, and of course the absurd portrayal of communism as being one and the same with fascism.
Anyway let me begin with the issue of immigration.
Murray says that the call for limiting immigration is not a racist one.
I say it is – whether in the context of Sharia law, which was the discussion of the evening, or any other context.
A call for limits on immigration when discussing Sharia law implies that immigrants are responsible for the bleak state of affairs.
Have a problem with cut-backs in the health care system? Let’s limit immigration. Schools too full and not up to par? Let’s limit immigration. You don’t like Sharia? Let’s limit immigration.
Immigrants and asylum seekers (‘cockroaches’ according to the British Nationalist Party) are just easy scapegoats for problems that are caused elsewhere.
Take the issue of Sharia law. Immigrants haven’t brought Sharia law. Many of the Islamists here are British-born. And anyway the rise in Sharia is a result of the rise of Islamism. Islamism was encouraged and brought to centre stage by Western governments as a green belt against the former Soviet Union during the Cold War. And even today with their ‘war on terror’ Islamists are some of the US and British government’s closest allies. Iraq has more become more Islamic since their ‘intervention;’ British troops are setting up Sharia courts in Afghanistan, the Government keeps funding and appeasing Islamists, and encouraging religion’s role in society and immigrants are to blame?
Murray says he prefers the pope and a religion that discriminates against him for being gay than one that will push him off a building. But he is not at risk of being pushed off a building. Yet quite a few of the immigrants and asylum seekers who have escaped Islamism and Sharia law are.
It is absurd how the Right will profess to care about people’s rights when opposing Sharia law and Islamism but will never support the victims and survivors of Islamism or US-led militarism who dare to demand a better life.
If we do need limits – and I agree that we do – rather than limiting immigration, why not limit the far-Right, the bankers, the war industry and NeoCons for that matter. It wouldn’t change everything but I know I for one would be a lot happier. And I think most people would too.
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