I will be proposing the motion that “This House Believes that Multiculturalism has Failed” at Oxford University Union on 6 May 2011 from 20.30-22.30 hours.

Other debaters are:

In Proposition:

David Goodhart – Founder and Editor-at-Large of Prospect magazine, the respected London-based intellectual monthly. He is currently writing a book, Citizens, which will examine themes of multiculturalism, national identity and immigration

Maryam Namazie – Human rights activist, commentator and broadcaster, and spokesperson for Iran Solidarity and the One Law Campaign for All Against Sharia Law in Britain. Awarded Secularist of the Year in 2005

John Lee – PPEist and member of Standing Committee, who strongly supports cultural diversity because of his experiences in Korea and America. However, he believes advocating cultural diversity and endorsing multiculturalism are different concepts

In Opposition:

Medhi Hasan – senior politics editor for the New Statesman, and former deputy executive producer of Sky’s breakfast show Sunrise before moving to Channel 4 in June 2007 as their editor of news and current affairs

Caroline Knowles – Director of the Centre for Urban Research and Professor of Sociology at Goldsmiths, who recently completed Landscapes of Belonging, a project investigating British and South East Asian migrants in Hong Kong

Sunder Katwala – General Secretary of the Fabian Society, and previously online editor of The Observer, research director for the Foreign Policy Centre think-tank and a high profile blogger for Comment is Free, Next Left and Liberal Conspiracy.


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