Dear Mr. Luis Moreno Ocampo
During the past thirty two years, the hands of the Islamic regime in Iran have been stained with the blood of tens of thousands of people. We have already presented some documents on these crimes to the ICC.
In the last two months alone, the regime has executed more than 60 people. This statistic only includes however, those executions that officially have been announced. The number of secret executions must also be added to it. Moreover, women and men even get raped in the prisons of the Islamic regime. New cases of rape by the guards and interrogators of the regime are frequently reported. Now some brave women have stepped forward and are disclosing rapes by the men of the regime in prisons.
From Ghezel-hesar Prison it is reported that every day a number of prisoners are being hanged under the very eyes of other prisoners and even the bodies of the victims are subjected to violence. On March 13th this year, about a hundred prisoners were killed by firing a volley of shots at them in this prison. Their crime was that in the prison they had protested against capital punishment! Many families still do not know where their beloved ones are buried.
The Islamic regime has even tried to stop families of the victims from holding a mourning ceremony. Moments after the funeral of Abdullah and Mohamed Fathi, who were executed last month, their mother was arrested and interrogated for a few hours. During the mourning ceremony of Ezzatollah Sahabi, his daughter, Haleh Sahabi, was attacked by the men of the regime which caused her death. In prisons, due to bad hygiene, lack of food, and the depriving of patients from access to medical care or medicine, the regime cause the death of prisoners. These are parts of the reality of how prisoners and their mourning relatives are treated by the Islamic regime. To these crimes stoning, gouging out the eye, mutilation, throwing down from height, and other medival punishments must be added.
Now we are on the eve of June 20th, the international day in defence of political prisoners in Iran. To the call of Campaigne for Freedom of Political Prisoners in Iran, meetings are going to be held on this day in at least 46 cities around the world for freedom of political prisoners and in protest against capital punishment.
A while ago, you announced that there are documents at your disposal according to which you can request from the ICC, a number of arrest warrants against a number of Libyan officials. Several times more documents than those have already been published on crimes against humanity committed by Khamenei and other leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran. So do not hesitate to request arrest warrants against these criminals! The message of demonstrators on June 20th is clear: Arrest the criminal leaders of the Islamic regime! They are evident examples of criminals against humanity.
Yours faithfully
Mina Ahadi
Spokesperson of the International Committee Against Execution
And the International Committee Against Stoning
June 17, 2011
International Committee Against Stoning (
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