Upcoming Speaking Engagements

I will be speaking at the following places over the next few weeks in case you can make any of them: 24 October 2013 London,…

Prosecute them!

If hundreds of white British young people were missing off our school rolls, I believe there would be an outcry. – Jasvinder Sanghera Is anyone…

Gays to be barred from entering Kuwait

Did you hear the latest? Kuwait is thinking of using a routine medical check for expatriates to also help it “detect gays.” Once you’ve been…

On Tweeting EDL supporters

“Soupy” has asked for clarification on One Law for All’s position with regards the English Defence League. I don’t see why we need to clarify…

LSE Update

As I reported yesterday, two Atheist Society members were told to take off their Jesus and Mo t-shirts or be kicked out of the LSE…