PR 60
According to news sent to the International Committees against Execution and Stoning, responsible parties within Tabriz prison have told Mrs. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani that she is not allowed visits with her children or her lawyer.
Today, as last week, Sakineh’s children have not been allowed to visit their mother. Prison authorities have informed them that their mother is no longer allowed to have contact with the outside world.
According to other received news, Mr. Houtan Kian, Mrs. Ashtiani’s lawyer, is also under increasingly intense pressure.
The International Committees against Execution and Stoning condemn this attitude of the Islamic Republic and call upon the people of the world to increase their efforts to free Sakineh. Every reaction by the Islamic Republic bears a sign of the savagery of this regime, indicates the inhuman judiciary system, indicates that people of Iran are utterly bereft of their rights, and at the same time indicates the weakness and desperation of this regime in the face of increasing international pressure.
International Committee against Stoning
International Committee against Execution
September 2, 2010
(Translated by MFI)
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