Bita Ghaedi is due to be deported on a booked flight this Tuesday 20th, at 7PM from Heathrow Flight BD 931 Terminal 3

Background (Preamble):

Bita Ghaedi of Whetstone, England is a refugee who has been on hunger strike for nearly two weeks because she is terrified of being tortured and killed if she is forced to return to Iran. She has been refused asylum by the British Government and told she would be deported within a fortnight.

The 34-year-old has endured beatings and mental torture at the hands of her family and could be hunted down and killed by her father, brother and uncle should she return.

Please sign/forward this petition to ensure she is NOT forcibly returned to a violent fascist regime which murders, tortures, rapes + imprisons its own people if they peacefully protest for their rights.

Sign the petition here.

1 Comment


    London England: Protest will be at 3pm at Heathrow Airport outside of Terminal 3

    Washington DC: Protest will be at 11:30am at British Embassy (3100 Massachusetts Ave NW)

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