They killed Shahla Jahed today

They killed Shahla this morning Wednesday Dec.1 in Evin. Our hearts go for Shahla’s family and friends. Our condolences to all of you all across the world who have spent hours and days working to stop the Islamic regime of committing yet another crime.

Shahla was murdered for the crime of being a woman at the mercy of the Islamic regime at a time that they needed to murder a woman, at a time that they specially needed to murder a woman with a high profile. She otherwise had stated on the record that she had confessed under threat of a relative’s chilled being raped. She was innocent according to her case’s first examiner who was removed from the case for his assessment. She was innocent according to her lawyer who had pointed this out through filing the controversies and legal discrepancies. But none of these mattered for a “judiciary” system based on constitutional savagery and barbarism at the service of a political entity which is preserved through terror and atmosphere of fear of social proportions.

Shahla was murdered for the same reason as Delara and Atefeh and thousands other women were murdered. We will carry their memories and their stories with us to the day we together burn all gallows, and bring down the regime of terror, stoning and execution.

Our sadness gives way to rage, our grief to hatred and resolution. We promise that this gang of murderous criminals pay for killing Shahla, and each and every atrocity committed against our people. We promise that every battle to save another victim of these savages will brings our ranks closer and the glorious day of “Islamic Republic is no more” nearer.They killed Shahla this morning Wednesday December 1, 2010, in Evin. Our hearts go out to Shahla’s family and friends. Our condolences to all of you all across the world who have spent hours and days working to stop the Islamic regime from committing yet another crime.

International Committee Against Execution
1 December 2010
Spokesperson: Mina Ahadi 0049-177-569-2413


  1. Best way to react to islamic crimes….apostasize and encourage others to do the same….the only good muslim is an apostate….

    Leave the wicked cult of death and encourage your friends to leave it too…..

    Islam is death….and islam is dying day by day…..

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