Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Speaking engagements in Canada

I will be in Canada for the next two weeks on a speaking tour to mobilise support for the One Law for All campaign.

Details of my various engagements are:

March 14, 7:30pm, Toronto
25 Cecil Street, United Steelworkers’ Hall
Panel discussion on Political Islam, Sharia and Women’s Rights with Maryam Namazie (Spokesperson of Equal Rights Now, Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and One Law for All Campaign against Sharia Law in Britain), Tarek Fatah (Founder of Muslim Canadian Congress and Author of “Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State,” Khayal Ibrahim (Women’s Liberation in Iraq), Justin Trottier (Executive Director of Center for Inquiry, Ontario) and Issam Shukri (Head of the Organization for the Defense of Secularism and Civil Rights in Iraq).
Entry: $5
For more information: 1-416-471-7138;

March 16th 7:00-9:00 pm, Toronto
Centre for Inquiry, 216 Beverley St
Freedom of Expression and Political Islam, a presentation by Maryam Namazie
For more information:
$8 regular, $4 students, FREE for CFI Friends of the Centre

March 20, 6:00pm, Vancouver
Student Union Building, Room 214 at UBC
Campus, West Point Grey, Vancouver, near the Bus Loop
Maryam Namazie’s presentation on Political Islam, Sharia and Women’s Rights
Organised by UBC Students for Equality and Freedom In Middle East

March 24, 2009
7:00 to 10:00, UVIC
Lecture Hall at Bob Wright Building
Free entry; donations welcome
Maryam Namazie’s presentation on Political Islam, Sharia and Women’s Rights
For more information: 1-250-380-1319;


One response to “Speaking engagements in Canada”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Be careful. There are hundrededs of Iranian Hizballahi, aghazadeh and khannomzadeh living in Canada.Good luck. You’re doing great. I wish you came to the US too.

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