Open Letter to Fredrik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister of Sweden, Regarding the Islamic Republic’s Terrorism

Mr. Fredrik Reinfeldt:

In January this year, Mr. Babak Shadidi, an Iranian-born Swedish citizen and a former member of the Worker-communist Party of Iran, revealed a plot to assassinate a number of the leaders of that party. The plot was planned in Sweden and was intended to be carried out in Germany. Babak Shadidi, who had planned to play a role in this plot, had a change of heart: he informed the party and the Swedish police, and disclosed the conspiracy. He has subsequently received numerous death threats.

Although a considerable amount of information and leads were provided to the police regarding this case, no serious attempt was made to apprehend the conspirators. It must be emphasized that one of the two agents of the Islamic Republic, who took Babak Shadidi blindfolded to a house on the outskirts of Stockholm to explain the details of the plot, has been identified.

While the Swedish police have passively neglected this case, on June 20th, Babak Shadidi was attacked by agents of the Islamic Republic while entering his home and was severely injured inside the house. He was then immediately flown by helicopter to a hospital for treatment.

Mr. Prime Minister!

You are certainly aware of the Islamic Republic’s terrorism. This regime’s existence has its foundations in terror and thuggery. The terrorists reigning in Tehran have organized hundreds of assassinations of their opponents outside Iran. There are a number of leading figures in the regime who are sought by Interpol for direct involvement in organizing terrorist activities abroad. The plot to assassinate the leaders of the Worker-communist Party of Iran, which was conducted from Sweden, as well as the Köln kidnapping for 12 days of Dariush Shokouf, the director of “Iran, Prison” (a film about the rapes and torture of the political prisoners), are two links in this chain of assassinations and terror.

The people of Iran have shaken the foundations of the Islamic Republic regime, and the world is now aware of its criminal and dangerous nature. Today, even United Nations judges* are talking about the necessity of indicting the top figures of this regime on charges of genocide. The time of governments remaining silent and appeasing this murderous, terrorist regime has long passed.

Yet, the Islamic regime, out of desperation, continues its efforts in various ways to spread fear and silence the opposition outside of Iran.

Hence, we would like to draw your attention to this issue. We expect that you not allow Swedish soil become a safe haven for Islamic Republic’s terrorism against its opposition. So far, different interests have led to silence in the face of the Islamic Republic’s terrorist actions. We will continue to spread public awareness against this policy of silence and condemn it. We demand first of all that you not ignore these terrorist acts by the Islamic Republic with the excuse of “national interest” and “diplomacy.” Secondly, we demand that this particular case be thoroughly investigated and the public informed of the findings.

Neither the Iranian people nor Swedish public opinion will accept that you allow Islamic terrorism do it pleases in Sweden. It is your obligation to protect the lives and safety of the Islamic Republic’s opposition in Sweden. In closing, we would like to emphasize that Babak Shadidi continues to be victimized by the Islamic Republic of Iran and must be protected.

With regards,
Abdollah Asadi, Secretary General, Solidarity-Confederation of Iranian refugees
Kima Pazuki, Human rights activist
Mahin Alipur, Head of the Campaign to Defend Women’s Rights in Iran
Karim Shah-Mohammadi, Head of the Children First Foundation, Sweden
Asad Nodinian, Responssible for Cmmunist combatant site
Afsane Wahdat, head of Ex-Muslim organization Sweden
Khalil Keyvan, secretary the Worker-communist Party of Iran, Abroad Organization

To respond to this letter, please contact: Afsane Vahdat

Copy to: European Parliament

July 19, 2010

* Geoffrey Robertson’s report on crimes committed by the Islamic Republic of Iran for among others genocide is here.

1 Comment

  1. much praise for the difficult and dangerous stance you have taken against an evil in our midst. I am an atheist but i hope that something protects you

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