An urgent call to all who want Sakineh and other sentenced to stoning saved

The International Committee Against Stoning and Execution (ICAS) & (ICAE) urgently need your financial support in order to continue their extended activities and cover the ever escalating costs. The costs include our daily phone calls to Iran to get the latest news and information; to arrange press conferences; and to cover trips and advertisement expenses. Our activities are geared towards saving Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, saving another 20 women and 5 men who are waiting to be stoned to death in Iran, and it is to end the stoning and execution altogether.Your donation guaranties the continuation of our activities. Please do not hesitate to help as much as you can.

Mina Ahadi

International Committee Against Stoning (ICAS)
International Committee Against Execution (ICAE)
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