One Law for All held a successful seminar on Sharia Law on Monday 8 March 2010 at Conway Hall in London to mark International Women’s Day. The seminar outlined the problems with Sharia Councils and tribunals and proposed recommendations for prohibiting religious courts and bringing about equal rights for all. A report of the seminar’s findings will be published shortly. Moreover, a working group is to be set up to draft an amendment to the Arbitration Act to prohibit religious arbitration in civil matters. The campaign will also look into proposing a European-wide amendment in the coming months. Video footage of the event can be found here.

One Law for All’s next events include a June 20 rally against Sharia and religious laws in Trafalgar Square, a September 26 fundraising concert, an art competition, amongst other activities.


Join us on June 20 to break that silence and take a stand against Sharia law and Islamism and in defence of universal rights and secularism. Be there to stand in solidarity with people living under and resisting Sharia law everywhere and demand an end to racism and cultural relativism.

June 20 is particularly poignant because it is the first anniversary of Neda Agha-Soltan’s cold-blooded murder in broad daylight by the Islamic regime of Iran at a protest there. All Neda wanted was freedom. You can find out more about the rally in Trafalgar Square here.


Tickets are now available for a two-hour fundraising concert on 26 September 2010 at Conway Hall from 1800pm for 1830pm by top flight international musicians Olivier Pons, violin; Helen Linden, cello; and Folke Graesbeck, piano.

The concert is in aid of the One Law for All Campaign and is a joint venture between the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, the National Secular Society and the International Humanist and Ethical Union.

Tickets: £15 for the first four rows; £12 for the rest of the downstairs seats; £10 for the gallery; £5 students and unwaged.

To buy tickets, either send a cheque made payable to One Law for All or pay via Paypal on our website. Please specify that the cheque or Paypal payment is for concert tickets. Tickets will be mailed out to you within three weeks of receiving your payment. You can also pay at the door, though it will be £1 more per ticket and tickets may have been sold out by then. For more information on the musicians, click here.


After a successful 2009 art competition, One Law for All is organising a second edition to expose the discriminatory nature of Sharia and religious-based tribunals and/or promote equal rights for all citizens. For more information and terms and conditions, click here.


To sign on to the One Law for All petition, visit our website.

To view the latest media coverage of the campaign including in the Guardian and BBC’s The World, click here.

To donate to the crucial work of our organisation, please either send a cheque or pay via Paypal by clicking here. We need regular support that we can rely on and are asking for supporters to commit to giving at least £5-10 a month via direct debit. You can find out more about how to join the 100 Club at the above link.

If you would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the below.
Maryam Namazie
One Law for All
BM Box 2387
London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731

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