Tag: Charlie Hebdo
#JeSuisSamuelPaty #JeSuisCharlie
#JeSuisSamuel #JeSuisSamuelPaty #JeSuisCharlie Some have been asking the purpose of nude protest. A nude woman as political action is antithesis of the veiled, submissive woman. I will be nude, I will protest and I will challenge you to your core. Also see my speech at an Atheist Convention on the importance of nude protest. Photo…
Cartoons are an Excuse!
Cartoons are an excuse. Everything “provokes” Islamists – Being a woman, freethinker, gay, unveiled, ex-Muslim, atheist, religiously unprescribed sex, laughing out loud, music… If you think that killings will stop if you stop drawing cartoons, you cannot see the innumerable in prisons & on death row in Iran, Asia, Mid East, North Africa for “provoking”…
In Support of Charlie Hebdo: We’re Not Offended
Today’s issue of Charlie Hebdo with (mostly) #exMuslims, thanks to Inna Shevchenko. Caricatures de Mahomet : Paroles de musulmans non offensés, Charlie Hebdo, 16 September 2020 Translation of my contribution: “A progressive, satirical anti-clerical tradition such as that of Charlie Hebdo’s is not the sole domain of the West. When Charlie Hebdo draws Mohammed, it…
Charlie Hebdo’s Mohammed cartoon was not Islamophobic
My opening remarks at Oxford Union debate with Tariq Ramadan on 29 February 2016 Criticism of religion – however offensive – is not racism against believers. Islamophobia is in fact used to conflate blasphemy with bigotry in order to impose Islamist norms on the wider society. Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons of Mohammad are no more “bigotry”…
MARYAM NAMAZIE: Why I had to face down the bullies trying to silence my supposedly ‘offensive’ stance on Islam
Original published in Daily Mail on 9 January 2016 This week marked the first anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris. The atrocity was a brutal attack not just on human life but also on the principle of free speech, one of the pillars of human civilisation. In the aftermath of the killings, people…
Islam and the “culture of offence”: missing the point
First published in Open Democracy on 12 February 2015 In the age of ISIS, dissent and criticism of religion is a life and death necessity. It has been – and remains – key for human progress. Dissent and criticism of religion has always been a crucial aspect of free expression. Historically, it has been intrinsically linked…
Charlie Hebdo: There is no “culture of offence”
Below are my opening remarks at a 29 January panel discussion organised by UCL Atheist Society entitled “Living in outrageous times: Charlie Hebdo and the culture of offence”. The two other panellists debating the issue reminded me of Caroline Fourest’s saying: “Racism must not excuse fundamentalism and fundamentalism must not excuse racism”. Peter Bradley, director of Speakers’…
A defence of Charlie Hebdo must also turn into defence of other blasphemers and apostates
FRENCH: Toute défense de Charlie Hebdo doit également devenir celle d’autres blasphémateurs et apostats SPANISH – BELOW Those of us who have openly criticised Islam and Islamism have faced many a threat and intimidation from the far-Right Islamist movement. I have had phone calls saying I will be decapitated to recorded messages from the Islamic…
After the Charlie Hebdo Massacre, Support those Fighting the Religious-Right
FRENCH: Après le massacre de Charlie Hebdo, Soutenons ceux qui se battent contre la droite religieuse SPANISH: Below After the massacre in Charlie Hebdo in Paris on January 7, 2015, expressing indignation, as so many are doing, is not enough. A quick look at the English-speaking media shows that whilst many condemn the violence itself,…
For Charlie Hebdo: Rage and Solidarity
My message to Charlie Hebdo’s editor in chief, Gerard Biard: Dear Gerard I spoke on a panel with you in November last year at the International Feminist and Secular Network in Paris. I am writing to express my outrage at the cold-blooded murder of freethinkers at Charlie Hebdo today and to give my unequivocal support.…
We condemn the murderous attack on Charlie Hebdo by Islamic terrorists
The murderous attack today by Islamic terrorists on the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo has aroused people’s anger and disgust around the world. Charlie Hebdo is a left, progressive satirical weekly which criticises and ridicules religion and religious beliefs, prejudices and taboos. In 2011 the magazine’s office was firebombed by Islamists for publishing a caricature…