Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Tag: hijab

  • On 8 March, IWD, our hijabs in the “freedom bin”

    On 8 March, IWD, our hijabs in the “freedom bin”

    In the 1960s, feminists threw items of women’s oppression into a “freedom bin” as protest. On 8 March, International Women’s Day, we throw our hijabs in the “freedom bin” and burn them. The hijab, a tool to suppress women and girls, belongs in the dustbins of history… در دهه ۶۰ میلادی، فمینیست ها اقلامی را…

  • #No2CompulsoryVeiling #نه_به_حجاب_اجباری

    #No2CompulsoryVeiling #نه_به_حجاب_اجباری

    On December 27, we remember courage of Vida Movahed, girls of Revolution Street and 4 decades of struggle against compulsory veiling laws in #Iran. A liberation movement that is nightmare of regime and source of pride for us all. There is no veiling without compulsion and the #veil is more than a piece of cloth…

  • Iran: She wants to ride a bike – simple
  • حجاب: جلوگیری از تحمیل عرف

    حجاب: جلوگیری از تحمیل عرف

    این مقاله اولین بار در نشریه انگلیسی زبان ’رهایی کارگران’ در دفاع از ممنوعیت حجاب کودکان در ۲۷ نوامبر ۲۰۱۹ منتشر شد. English مریم نمازی در مورد حجاب کودکان، منع قانونی نماد‌های مذهبی‌ آشکار برای کودکان، دفاعی مهمی از حقوق کودکان است. کودکان ملک والدینشان نیستند. آنها افرادی دارای حقوق و تمامیت جسمی‌ هستند، و…

  • The hijab: “preventing common impositions”

    حجاب: جلوگیری از تحمیل عرف The hijab: “preventing common impositions” was published in Workers Liberty Solidarity in defence of banning child veiling on 27 November 2019. Maryam Namazie is an activist with the Council of Ex-Muslims and other secularist groups. On the issue of child veiling, a state ban on conspicuous religious symbols for children…

  • Hijab is sexism not anti-racism

    Hijab is sexism not anti-racism

    Aliaa Elmahdy, the human rights activist under received death threats for being “the naked blogger” from the Arab spring in Egypt, who since then got asylum in Sweden and who made several discussed Femen actions, today announced her topless message at the hijab-event in Fiitja.

  • The hijab feels hot but hell is hotter!

    The HijabiBengaliSisters have made a video called ‘I Hate the Hijab!’ where they respond to reasons given for not wearing the veil. Of course they go out of their way to say that their aim is not to put pressure on unveiled ‘sisters’ but they merely want to help Muslim (and non-Muslim) women dress more…