Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Tag: IWD

  • On 8 March, IWD, our hijabs in the “freedom bin”

    On 8 March, IWD, our hijabs in the “freedom bin”

    In the 1960s, feminists threw items of women’s oppression into a “freedom bin” as protest. On 8 March, International Women’s Day, we throw our hijabs in the “freedom bin” and burn them. The hijab, a tool to suppress women and girls, belongs in the dustbins of history… در دهه ۶۰ میلادی، فمینیست ها اقلامی را…

  • On 8 March, International Women’s Day: Fuck modesty

    On 8 March, International Women’s Day: Fuck modesty

    My latest piece in The Freethinker to mark International Women’s Day. Wherever Islamism gains power and influence, it comes for women first. And it’s always a sign of worse to come, hence the saying: ‘the freedom of society is measured by the freedom of women.’ Islamism but also the Christian-Right, Buddhist-Right,  Jewish-Right,  Hindu-Right, Sikh-Right ……

  • And still I rise

    FARSI AND FRENCH BELOW Commemorating 8 March, International Women’s Day Maryam Namazie Islam, like all religions, despises women. Islamism and its Sharia laws are obsessed with controlling and restricting women. Under their rule, the “perfect” woman knows “her place”: veiled, segregated, erased from the public space. She is the “disappeared”. Bound and gagged. Not seen…

  • We are not free until all women are free

    I’m back from Germany. The International Women’s Day event in Frankfurt was wonderful! Here are some photos of the event. You can find my speech here. Videos of the speeches will follow. Unfortunately Taslima Nasrin and Nawal El-Sadaawi couldn’t make it. Below are their messages to the conference: Dear friends! My Iranian sisters. You are so…