Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

And still I rise


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Commemorating 8 March, International Women’s Day
Maryam Namazie

Islam, like all religions, despises women.

Islamism and its Sharia laws are obsessed with controlling and restricting women.

Under their rule, the “perfect” woman knows “her place”: veiled, segregated, erased from the public space. She is the “disappeared”. Bound and gagged. Not seen or heard.

For the Islamists, being a free woman is the greatest crime.

So yes I am a free woman. I am a Kafir. Je Suis Charlie, Neda, Avijit, Salwa, Sadiq, Sameera, Rafiq, Monir, Katia*… the innumerable slaughtered over many decades in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia.

But still I rise.

I am, we are, Islamism’s greatest threat – a women’s liberation movement that will bring them – from ISIS to the Saudi and Iranian regimes – to their knees.

* In January 2015, Islamists attacked Left satirical publication Charlie Hebdo for their caricatures of Mohammad, Islam’s prophet, killing 17 in Paris, including at a Kosher supermarket.
* In June 2009, Neda Agha-Soltan, 26, was shot dead by the Islamic regime of Iran at a mass demonstration in Tehran and became an icon of the protest movement.
* In February 2015, atheist Avijit Roy, 42, was hacked to death in Bangladesh because of writings critical of Islam.
* In June 2014, Libyan rights activist Salwa Bugaighis, 51, was shot dead in Benghazi for opposing the Islamists.
* In September 1992, Sadiq Abdul-Karim Malallah was publicly beheaded in al-Qatif for apostasy and blasphemy.
* In September 2014, women’s rights activist Samira Salih al-Nuaimi, 54, was seized from her home by ISIS after her messages on Facebook criticising the destruction of religious sites in Mosul and publicly executed for apostasy.
* In November 2011, Azerbaijani writer and journalist Rafiq Tagi, 61, was assassinated by Islamists in Baku. He had a death fatwa against him for his writings deemed critical of Islam and Mohammad, Islam’s prophet.
* In August 1983, Monir Hashemi, 29, a communist political activist, was executed in Iran along with her husband, Javad Ghaedi and her brother-in-law Sadegh Ghaedi.
* In February 1994, Islamists ambushed and killed Katia Bengana, 17, as she left school in Algeria. She had been warned to wear the hijab and had refused.

Photos and bodypainting by Victoria Gugenheim.

در گراميداشت ۸ مارس٬ روز جهانى زن
مريم نمازى

اسلام٬ مانند تمام مذاهب٬ از زن متنفر است.

كنترل زن مركز ثقل اسلام سياسى و قوانين شريعه است.

تحت حاکميت اسلاميون٬ زن ايده آل زنى است محجبه٬ مطيع٬ فرمانبردار. محو از ملا عام. “ناپديد” شده. اسير و خاموش.

براى اسلاميون٬ زن آزاد بودن٬ بزرگترين جرم است.

بنابراين، آرى من زن آزادم. کافرم. من چارلى٬ ندا٬ آويجيت٬ سلوى٬ صادق٬ سميرا٬ رافق٬ منير٬ کاتيا*… هستم – قتل عام شدگان بيشمار طى دهه ها در خاورميانه٬ آفريقاى شمالى و آسيا.

اما هنوز بر خيزم.

من و ما٬ بزرگترين تهديد عليه اسلاميون ميباشيم . جنبش رهائى بخش زنان آنان را – از داعش تا جمهورى اسلامى ايران تا رژيم عربستان سعودى – به زانو خواهد آورد.


* در ژانویه سال ۲۰۱۵، اسلاميون به نشريه چپ شارلی ابدو جمله کردند و ۱۷ نفر را در پاريس ترور کردند.
* در ماه ژوئن سال ۲۰۰۹، ندا آقا سلطان توسط عوامل رژیم اسلامی ایران در یک تظاهرات توده ای در تهران به ضرب گلوله کشته شد و به یک مظهر جنبش اعتراضی تبدیل شد.
* در فوريه ۲۰۱۵ اسلاميون آويجيت راى را به خاطر نوشته هاى انتقادي اش ازاسلام در بنگلادش به قتل رساندند.
* در ژوين ۲۰۱۴ فعال حقوق بشر سلوى بوقعيقيص را اسلاميون در ليبى ترور کردند.
* صادق عبد کریم مال‌الله در سال ۱۹۹۲ در عربستان سعودى بخاطر ارتداد و توهین به مقدسات اعدام شد.
اعدام شد. * در سپتامبر ۲۰۱۴ سمیرا صالح النعیمی فعال حقوق بشر بعد از انتقاد به داعش براى تخریب اماکن مذهبی در موصل در فیس بوک بشر
* در نوامبر ۲۰۱۱، نویسنده آذربایجانى رافق تقی توسط اسلاميون در باکو ترور شد.
* در سال ۱۹۸۳، منیر هاشمی، یک فعال سیاسی کمونیست، در ایران به همراه همسرش، جواد قائدی و برادر همسرش صادق قائدی اعدام شد.
* در سال ۱۹۹۴ کاتىا بنگانا شاگرد ۱۷ ساله به خاطر رد کردن حجاب در الجزاير ترور شد.

عکسها و نقاشى بدن: ويکتوريا گوگنهايم.

French, thanks to FEMEN France

“L’islam, comme toutes les religions, méprise les femmes.

L’islamisme et ses lois de la charia sont obsédés par le contrôle et la restriction des femmes.

Sous leur domination, la femme “parfaite” connait “sa place”: voilée, victime de ségrégation, effacée de l’espace public. Elle est absente : ligotée et bâillonnée . Ni vue ni entendue.

Selon les islamistes, être une femme libre est le plus grand des crimes.

Alors oui, je suis une femme libre. Je suis un kafir. Je Suis Charlie, Neda, Avijit, Salwa, Sadiq, Sameera, Rafiq, Monir, Katia * … les innombrables abattus sur plusieurs décennies au Moyen-Orient, Afrique du Nord et en Asie.

Mais encore une fois, je me lève.

Je suis, nous sommes, la plus grande menace pour l’islamisme – le mouvement de libération des femmes qui le fera tomber”.


17 responses to “And still I rise”

  1. KANYE Avatar

    By all measures on earth . maryam namzi is a prostitute. you’d better be deported to the hell.

  2. What we need Maryam for stop Isis?

  3. […] Bengana, 17, as she left school in Algeria. She had been warned to wear the hijab and had refused. And still I rise Sign in or Register Now to […]

  4. curve_lover Avatar

    Great pics, are there any more?

  5. OBC freethought blogs Avatar
    OBC freethought blogs

    What exactly are obsessions and compulsions?
    Obsessions are thoughts, images or impulses that occur over and over again and feel outside of the person’s control. Individuals with OCD do not want to have these thoughts and find them disturbing. In most cases, people with OCD realize that these thoughts don’t make any sense. Obsessions are typically accompanied by intense and uncomfortable feelings such as fear, disgust, doubt, or a feeling that t
    hings have to be done in a way that is “just right.” In the context of OCD, obsessions are time consuming and get in the way of important activities the person values. This last part is extremely important to keep in mind as it, in part, determines whether someone has OCD — a psychological disorder — rather than an obsessive personality trait.

    The frequent upsetting thoughts are called obsessions. To try to control them, a person will feel an overwhelming urge to repeat certain rituals or behaviors (going naked unnecessarily for not related to the root causes) called compulsions. People with OCD can’t control these obsessions and compulsions. Most of the time, the rituals end up controlling them.

  6. tanfur Avatar

    Thank you for the poem, and the sentiment.

    Neo-paganism doesn’t really have a concept of apostate, but if I did, I guess I’d be one.

    While many (especially the well-known religions) do not value men and women equally, there are some which actually value women more, such as Wicca. Wicca is duo-theistic religion, with a ‘God’ and a ‘Goddess’, and as it is practiced, often to usually the Goddess has more weight, and women more say in the group. I never saw a group where the women weren’t at least the equals. (It has been many years since I left paganism and become atheist, and I was not Wiccan at the time, so certainly YMMV).

    Again, thanks.

  7. howcanibeanuglyartist Avatar

    Now i knew why there is a word called UGLY in dictionary.

    1. romillyh Avatar

      You sound as though you wouldn’t knew BEAUTY if it hit you on the NOSE, uglyartist.

      1. howcanUbeanuglyartist Avatar

        Now i knew why there is an ugly pose and there are many hypocrites / ugly justifying comments on this ugly page..

    2. Yes alright. We get it. You hate women. Now move along. Or better fuck off.

      1. LOL Right-on! You tell ’em … Cheers!

      2. uglyfreethoughblogs formerly howcanUbeanuglyartist Avatar
        uglyfreethoughblogs formerly howcanUbeanuglyartist

        @ M N,—> Now I knew U r not only ugly in arts and body paint, your ugly freethoughts filled with vulgarity is also ugliest.

        1. I know all free women are ugly to you. Well our purpose in life is not to please you, now fuck off.

  8. Someone just emailed me this article
    The Meaning of International Women’s Day
    The first International Women’s Day was celebrated 102 years ago by revolutionaries in Russia.
    by Alexandra Kollantai

    ‘The following article was published in Pravda one week before the first celebration of the “Day of International Solidarity among the Female Proletariat” on March 8, 1913. In St Petersburg this day was marked by a call for a campaign against women workers’ lack of economic and political rights and for the unity of the working class, led by the self-emancipation of women workers.

    This article was transcribed by Sally Ryan for ‘

  9. V Nuttall Avatar
    V Nuttall

    In solidarity with Maryam Namazie who continues to inspire many of us wanting change world wide. .

  10. Comtessa de Metoncula Avatar
    Comtessa de Metoncula

    Organized religion is the worst that happened to this planet!

  11. See the famous 1932 article by the social psychoanalyst Karen Horney titled ‘The Dread of Woman’, in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis

    Of course much of psychoanalysis is now discredited, and not many people would today endorse the way that classical analysts such as Horney thought. But some of her comments on male vulnerability and the ways men attempt to deal with it are still only too, too valid.

    Underneath the patriarchal religious despising of women is a deep neurosis. All of that control and visceral anger directed against women conceal and over-compensate for a fear that often seems of ego-annihilating intensity.

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