Tag: Maryam Namazie
Neither God nor Master – FEMEN Goddesses Series by Jenny Wenhammar
From Jenny Wenhammar Portrait Series on Femen Goddesses on display at De Balie #CelebratingDissent Festival in Amsterdam during 30 August – 1 September 2019. Here Jenny explains the portrait: Maryam Namazie has challenged the Islamist war on women’s bodies covering her naked body with the Islamist flag of Iran ripped apart. Exposing her breast instead…
Fundamentalism and White Nationalism: the same, just wearing different clothes
Below is the English version of an interview with Marieke Hoogwout published in Dutch in Vrij Links on 20 March 2019. The interview was conducted before the Christchurch and Utrecht terrorist attacks this month. You can read the Dutch interview here. In January, Iranian-British human rights activist Maryam Namazie gave the 24th Freedom Lecture at…
پریود_طبیعی_است# #PeriodsAreNatural
English Below اعتراض روز جهانی زن پریود_طبیعی_است# در میان گروه ارتدوکسهای یهودی، در دوران عادت ماهانه زن، مرد و زن حق دست زدن یا رد و بدل کردن هیچ گونه اشیا را به هم ندارند در بخشی از بوداییهای ژاپنی زنان که عادت ماهانه دارند اجازه ورود به معبد را ندارند در هندویسم زنان در…
Promotion of the violation of fasting rules by drinking alcohol to challenge the system
The below is the full translation of an article published in a media outlet associated with the Islamic regime of Iran against Bread and Roses TV and its hosts Maryam Namazie, Fariborz Pooya and Bahram Soroush. Read it and laugh! Promotion of the violation of fasting rules by drinking alcohol to challenge the system Enghelab…
Bread and Roses: Secularism as a basic right
Watch Bread and Roses English programme with Maryam Namazie, Fariborz Pooya and Bahram Soroush being broadcast today via New Channel TV on “Secularism as a basic right”. There’s a great interview with philosopher AC Grayling on the issue. Enjoy!
Nude protest for Intl Women’s Day
Today, 8 March, International Women’s Day, Amina Sboui, Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, Solmaz Vakilpour, Safia Lebdi, Meriam Russel and myself protested nude in support of women’s rights in the Middle East and North Africa at the Louvre in Paris. I didn’t want to just hold the Islamic regime of Iran’s flag so I cut out the…
Meet this anti-Islam woman
A large number of major Islamic Republic of Iran ‘media’ and hundreds of other websites have published an article about me entitled: ‘Get to know this anti-Islam woman’ in what seems like a coordinated effort. It lists my various organisational affiliations and says that I am ‘noticeable’ for my ‘enmity’ and ‘widespread activities against Islam…