Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Tag: Ramadan

  • Fast-Defying during Ramadan: A challenge to the Islamists

    Fast-Defying during Ramadan: A challenge to the Islamists

    The following piece was published in The Freethinker on 21 June 2016 where I will be writing monthly. On June, 24, 2016, the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain is calling for a day to defy fasting rules in solidarity with those who face persecution for eating during fasting hours in Ramadan. We will be having…

  • Fast-Defying Protest during Ramadan, Apostate Flashmob, Action for Raif, Hate Crimes and more

    Dear friend We hope you are well. UPCOMING EVENTS We have a number of interesting events and actions coming up in London over the next two months, including a “Mean Tweets Party,” a Fast-Defying protest in solidarity with those persecuted for eating during Ramadan, and an apostate flashmob. We also have some wonderful speakers lined…

  • Ramadan: the month of torture

    Commentary on Ramadan from Yasaman Bayani, Human Rights Activist who we interviewed on Bread and Roses recently. The month of Ramadan, considered holy by Muslims, has start and we hear of people murdered by the ISIS (the Islamic State) or punished by different governments around the world imposing the religious laws on non-abiding people. For…

  • Moroccan activists defying fasting rules beaten; Join 20 July International Day to Defy Fasting Rules

    On July 19th at 7.30pm, the Alternative Movement for Individual Liberties (M.A.L.I.) and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Morocco held a sit-in in front of the parliament in Rabat, Morocco for the International Day to Defy Fasting Rules. The sit in denounced the violation of freedom of conscience and called on the Moroccan government to repeal Article…

  • 20 July: Intl Day to defy fasting rules

    The Bread and Roses team will be at Hyde Park across from Serpentine cafe at 1pm on Sunday 20 July to defy fasting rules during Ramadan in solidarity with the many beaten, harassed, flogged and arrested for eating and drinking during Ramadan in Iran and elsewhere.You can either join our picnic if you are close…

  • 20 July – International Day to Defy Ramadan Fasting Rules

    ژوئيه – روز بين اللمللى روزه خوارى 20 در همبستگى با کسانى که براى خوردن در ماه رمضان اذيت و زندانى مى شوند برنامه نان و گل ۲۰ ژوئيه را روز بين اللمللى روزه خوارى اعلام کرده است 20 July – International Day to Defy Ramadan Fasting Rules In solidarity with people who are beaten,…

  • 20 July – International day to defy fasting rules during Ramadan

    فارسى A media outlet associated with the Islamic regime of Iran has condemned a Bread and Roses TV programme in which we drink wine and eat bread in solidarity with all the people who are faced with the Islamic regime of Iran’s security forces and thugs during Ramadan. Those who violate compulsory fasting rules face…

  • جام شراب ما در همبستگی با روزه خواران علنی

    از ژورنال یکى از سایتهاى وابسته به جمهورى اسلامى برنامه نان و گل سرخ ما را که در همبستگى با تمام مردمى است که در ماه رمضان مورد هجوم دستگاههاى پلیسى و ارازل و اوباش جمهورى اسلامى قرار میگیرند محکوم کرده است. در ایرانِ تحت حکومت اسلام، خوردن غذا و نوشیدن آب در تابستان گرم در…

  • Promotion of the violation of fasting rules by drinking alcohol to challenge the system

    The below is the full translation of an article published in a media outlet associated with the Islamic regime of Iran against Bread and Roses TV and its hosts Maryam Namazie, Fariborz Pooya and Bahram Soroush. Read it and laugh! Promotion of the violation of fasting rules by drinking alcohol to challenge the system Enghelab…

  • Happy eating during Ramadan!

    روزه خوارى شما مبارک