Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Tag: religion

  • Islam Kills

    Islam Kills

    #Islam kills. Like cigarettes, #religions should come with a health warning. @MaryamNamazie اسلام می کشد# همانند‌ سیگار، #مذاهب باید با هشدار سلامتی بیایند مریم نمازی

  • Fundamentalism and White Nationalism: the same, just wearing different clothes

    Fundamentalism and White Nationalism: the same, just wearing different clothes

    Below is the English version of an interview with Marieke Hoogwout published in Dutch in Vrij Links on 20 March 2019. The interview was conducted before the Christchurch and Utrecht terrorist attacks this month. You can read the Dutch interview here.  In January, Iranian-British human rights activist Maryam Namazie gave the 24th Freedom Lecture at…

  • پریود_طبیعی_است# #PeriodsAreNatural

    پریود_طبیعی_است# #PeriodsAreNatural

    English Below اعتراض روز جهانی زن پریود_طبیعی_است# در میان گروه ارتدوکس‌های یهودی، در دوران عادت ماهانه زن، مرد و زن حق دست زدن یا رد و بدل کردن هیچ گونه اشیا را به هم ندارند در بخشی از بودایی‌های ژاپنی زنان که عادت ماهانه دارند اجازه ورود به معبد را ندارند در هندویسم زنان در…

  • A Response to Tariq Modood: We need less religion, not more, in the public space

    Below are my opening remarks during a conversation with Sociologist Tariq Modood at Westminster University on Secularism and Diversity on 24 February 2017 organised by the University’s Secular Adviser, Isabel Millar. The event went ahead as planned even though Jihadi John’s Islamic Society tried but abysmally failed to “disinvite” me. Which goes to show once…

  • Misogyny in the name of God

    Just returned from Bergen International Festival where I participated in a panel discussion on Misogyny in the name of God with the fantastic Deeyah Khan, Gunnar Stålsett, Cecilie Ore and John Peder Egenæs. It was chaired by Hilde Sandvik. امروۯ اۯ برگن نروۯ برگشٺم در پانلى جالب با ديا خان شركٺ كردم در مورد ضديٺ با ۯن به اسم…

  • Human rights law or religion?

    Watch today’s BBC Big Questions on whether human rights laws have achieved more than religion for humankind with Peter Tatchell, myself and others. Difficult question to answer given all the “wonderfulness” that is religion…

  • Atheist or rapist?

    A study published online in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology revealed that religious believers distrust atheists more than any other religious groups, gays and feminists (and you know how much they hate them). The only other group they distrust as much are rapists!!? Atheists on the other hand were indifferent to people’s religious…

  • Poor Christians – No relief from the ‘gaystapos’

    In a Church of England (COE) newspaper, leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance party Alan Craig uses a series of Nazi metaphors describing gay rights activists as the ‘gaystapo’ crushing people ‘under the pink jackboot’.

  • And you thought only Islam was anti-woman

    Ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups find the female image ‘offensive’ and women’s voices seductive so they ban both. In recent months, women’s faces have disappeared from billboards across the city due to defacement of posters with women on them.

  • Forget breasts, cover those tempting eyes!

    The Saudi Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (yes, it’s really their name), can order women with ‘tempting’ eyes to cover them up.

  • Religious principles are not height of morality but immorality! On faith schools

    Here is a short video clip on faith schools and religious morality from a programme I was on a while ago. Love Richard Dawkins’ intervention in the end on apostasy…