Tag: revolution
Not an Islamic revolution
The Islamic regime of Iran celebrates the “Islamic revolution” today. But Islamism has only brought untold misery and brutality to the people of Iran (and the world). Islamism is not a cause for celebration; it only came to power on the back of a suppressed revolution and the slaughter of a generation. Whilst history is…
Young people in Tunisia are posting videos of themselves dancing to Pharrell’s Happy song as a form of defiance. Islamists have said the dancing is just “debauchery and moral decay” but the videos have received tens of thousands of hits and loads of support. Their coming to power heralds the death of music and dance so…
Long live revolutionary people of Egypt
Majid Nawaaz writes on Facebook: “With mass protests against Islamist rule in Egypt, I hope we finally see the end of regressive-leftists claiming that Islamism is the “indigenous” voice of Muslims in Egypt. In other words, please be quiet you lazy, ignorant, reverse-racist, reductionist subscribers to the poverty of expectations. Egypt doesn’t want Islamism. Get…
Now Iran’s a state ‘contemplating’ terrorism?
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has warned about Iran’s ‘increasing willingness to contemplate’ terrorism around the world. He cited an attempt to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US, plus alleged involvement in recent attacks in New Delhi, Georgia and Bangkok. Increasing willingness to contemplate – is that what they call it nowadays? What about…
It’s not rocket science: you can be against war on Iran and also the regime and its nuclear bomb!
Sections of the far-Right in the Israeli government and US administration as well as some western states have started threatening war on Iran over the nuclear issue. The Islamic regime has in turn threatened back. War or any Israeli government military action will only benefit the most reactionary elements in the west and Israel on…