Press Release No. 13
After the campaign against the stoning sentence of Sakine Mohammadi-Ashtiaani had become internationalized, the families of those held in a prison in Tabriz, Azarbayjan, Iran, contacted and informed us about the shocking situation of their loved ones in jail. We disclose those cases too so that people of the world will become further aware of the vile character of this government, the government of murderers, and join the Iranian people in their struggle to overthrow it.
As reports received by the International Committee against Execution, there are 170 people sentenced to death in Tabriz prison. Among them there are a group of children under 18 and a pregnant woman.
Two other women sentenced to death by stoning
Azar Bagheri is nineteen years old. She was arrested, convicted of having had sex out of the wedlock, and sentenced to death by stoning when she was only fifteen. She has spent the past four years of her life in the company of the ultimate nightmare: be stoned to death. During this time Azar has been subjected to mock stoning twice, that is, she has been buried up to her chest, ready for the stones to be thrown at her, and then told that she must either cooperate or face this! Azar was 14 when she was forced into an unwanted marriage. Later her husband pressed charges against her, claiming she did not love him and had a relationship with another man.
Maryam Baagherzaade, 25 years of age, also sentenced to death by stoning. Maryam has been in jail for 4 years now. She got pregnant following a short leave from prison. The Islamic regime intends to hang or stone this woman to death. Usually the pregnant women have their babies before being killed.
18 homosexuals waiting to be hanged
We are in receipt of news about 8 women and 10 men in Tabriz prison sentenced to death by hanging for being homosexuals.
Young girl on death row takes her own life
Friday, July 9, 2010, Tabriz prison was shrouded in a deep sorrow. Soodaabe Ahmadi, 16 years of age, sentenced to death for murder, had killed herself in her cell. This young person took her own life because she was too young to bear to count the seconds to the first touch of the rope on her neck.
Young girl on death row
Fariba Shafaa’at, 20 years of age, was 14 when she was arrested and charged with the murder of her father. We were contacted from Tabriz on July 12, 2010, and told that the judiciary authorities in Tehran have already given the go-ahead for her execution. They are murdering this young woman who was only 14 when she was convicted of murder. She could be murdered at any moment.
This is only one prison and just one example of the indescribable brutality the Islamic regime has subjected the Iranian people to. The Islamic Republic is not the government of the Iranian people, it is their murderer. It must be banned from all international bodies, and all its embassies as well as various centers must be closed everywhere.
We call on the people of the world to intensify their pressure on the Islamic Republic. Organize rallies where you live and/or in front of the regime’s embassies! Demand the quashing of all standing execution sentences as well as the abolition of stoning, and execution in general, in Iran!
We call on all relevant international organizations to dispatch commissions of inquiry to Iran in order to inspect the Tabriz prison and other murder houses of the Islamic Republic. Needless to say, this will have to be imposed on the regime.
International Committee against Execution
July 13, 2010
Mina Ahadi
Tel: 0049-177-569-2413
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