Another film that has hit the headlines – ‘The innocence of Muslims’ – merits comment particularly since it has sparked protests that have resulted in the death of several US officials in Libya.
Have you seen the film? It is absolutely ludicrous.
It’s low budget (though they say they spent $5 million on it), poorly edited, badly acted – I mean just really, really bad. It’s almost impossible to get through the trailer let alone the movie itself.
It’s even worse (if that’s an option) than Geert Wilders’ film, Fitna, which we did a remake on.
Clearly the incompetence of the far-Right is even more astounding than its racism…
Here’s the trailer if you haven’t seen it:
What I find most ironic out of all of this is how the producers of the film and their supporters – like the crackpot pastor Terry Jones of Stand Up America! – don’t see how they are one and the same with the Islamists.
Like the Islamists, everyone is guilty. No one is innocent, which explains the very pathetic title of their film.
By the way, did you hear that the pastor is holding a trial for Mohammad who will face execution if found guilty? Does he not realise Mohammad isn’t even a real live person? And I also love the whole Christian love (we’re better than Islam) bit that ends with a public execution.
Like I said, two sides of the same coin.
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