Press Release 109
10 December 2010

Sakineh, Sajjad, Houtan and the two German journalists must be immediately and unconditionally released

The Islamic Republic of Iran has announced that it will again broadcast ‘interviews’ with Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and her son, Sajjad Ghaderzadeh, via its English language station, Press TV, today, on 10 December, International Human Rights Day. Press TV wants to supposedly broadcast Sakineh and Sajjad’s confessions under torture. Press TV hopes to respond to the wave of protests of millions of people worldwide against the Islamic regime by playing the role of interrogator.

The false news of the release of Sakineh and Sajjad was quickly broadcast worldwide on 9 December and brought with it a wave of international solidarity and euphoria. Clearly, people everywhere – the millions who protested and came to the fore – are anxiously awaiting the moment of their release and that of the two German Journalists and Sakineh’s lawyer.

By torturing its captives and dragging them on to such televised charades, the regime strives to reduce its crimes and diminish the pressure against it. However, this case has so highlighted the criminal character of this regime and its judicial system that any move by the regime and its mouthpieces only ends in exposing it even further. Today the televised charades that have taken place countless times since the establishment of the regime against political prisoners is taking place against Sakineh and Sajjad. It must be unequivocally condemned.

The International Committees against Stoning and Execution will resolutely continue the campaign to free Sakineh, Sajjad, Houtan and the two German journalists and call on people everywhere to continue their efforts. The inhuman punishments of stoning and execution must end; a regime that has been founded on such heinous crimes must be overthrown. This is the demand of the people of Iran and millions of humanitarian people across the globe.

International Committee against Stoning
International Committee against Execution

For more information, contact:

Mina Ahadi
Tel: +49 (0) 1775692413

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