Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Urgent Action: Call on UN General Assembly to condemn stoning, demand Sakineh’s release and boycott Ahmadinejad’s government

Urgent Action:
Call on UN General Assembly to condemn stoning, demand Sakineh’s release and boycott Ahmadinejad’s government
September 22, 2010

Mahmoud Ahamdinejad’s address to the UN General Assembly yesterday was in effect boycotted by delegates. Very few turned up to hear him speak and even less understood what he had to say as there was no translation.

But this is no where enough.

The UN General Assembly must issue an emergency resolution to condemn stoning and call for the immediate release of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani. Moreover, like Ahmadinejad’s speech, his government must be boycotted. A government that still stones people to death in the 21st century must have no place in the United Nations or any other international institution or body.

In the next two days, please send out the below message to the UN. You can either email it: or post it on their website. The letter has already been signed by 40 academics, campaigners and writers and published in the Guardian.

‘We are writing to ask that the UN general assembly condemn stoning as a crime against humanity and issue an emergency resolution calling for an end to the medieval and barbaric punishment as well as the immediate release of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani and others sentenced to death by stoning.

‘We also ask that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad not be allowed to address the general assembly and that his government be boycotted.

‘A government that still stones people to death in the 21st century must have no place in the United Nations or any other international institution or body.’

By the way, if you can, please stand in your city centre, tweet, or upload a video or photo showing your opposition to stoning and support for Sakineh. Of course if you are in NYC, please join the protests there.

Don’t forget to send in reports of your actions and protest emails and tweets to us at

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Warm wishes
Mina Ahadi
Patty Debonitas
Maryam Namazie
International Committee against Executions
International Committee against Stoning
Iran Solidarity


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