Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Confronting identity politics, a breeding ground for division and dehumanisation

This is an edited version of Maryam Namazie’s keynote address made at the National Secular Society conference on 19 October 2024. maryam namazie giving her keynote on 19 October. photo: national secular society. I know identity politics well. Criticise Islam and Islamism, you are deemed an ‘Islamophobe’ by Islamists and their apologists on the pro-Islamist…

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Iran: Revolution not Reform

Iran: Unica Soluzione, rivoluzione, Psiche, Issue 2/2023 ABSTRACT: The article critically examines Bahareh Hedayat’s open letter from Evin prison written in December 2022. The letter reveals a paradigm shift with respect to the so-called reformist movement – from working within the confines of a theocratic state to calling for its complete overthrow by revolutionary means….

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Creativity in Protesting Religious Fundamentalism, TedX Warwick with Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie's TedX Warwick talk on Creativity in Protesting Religious Fundamentalism has finally been published a year later but without slides. Before my talk, there was an attempt to censor some of my slides with nudity. Also, the Islamic Society at Warwick University had petitioned against my talk. I refused to remove any of my…

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No Hijab Day, 1 February: Confronting Misogyny

As a challenge to World Hijab Day on 1 February, No Hijab Day aims to confront the dominant narrative that packages the hijab as a symbol of women’s ‘empowerment’ and ‘choice’ and any opposition to it as ‘Islamophobia’. On the day, Ex-Muslims International, a coalition of ex-Muslim groups and activists, is calling on women to remove their hijab…

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Feminism and religion are incompatible

Read full piece in The Freethinker: Feminism and religion are incompatible, 19 November 2024 This is an edited version of Maryam Namazie’s contribution to a Cambridge Union debate: ‘This House Believes Feminism is Incompatible with Religion’, held on 14 November 2024. Others speaking in Proposition: Phyllis Zagano, Annie Laurie Gaylor, and Pollyanna Greene Wright. Those…

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Confronting identity politics, a breeding ground for division and dehumanisation

This is an edited version of Maryam Namazie’s keynote address made at the National Secular Society conference on 19 October 2024. maryam namazie giving her keynote on 19 October. photo: national secular society. I know identity politics well. Criticise Islam and Islamism, you are deemed an ‘Islamophobe’ by Islamists and their apologists on the pro-Islamist…

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Iran: Revolution not Reform

Iran: Unica Soluzione, rivoluzione, Psiche, Issue 2/2023 ABSTRACT: The article critically examines Bahareh Hedayat’s open letter from Evin prison written in December 2022. The letter reveals a paradigm shift with respect to the so-called reformist movement – from working within the confines of a theocratic state to calling for its complete overthrow by revolutionary means….

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Creativity in Protesting Religious Fundamentalism, TedX Warwick with Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie's TedX Warwick talk on Creativity in Protesting Religious Fundamentalism has finally been published a year later but without slides. Before my talk, there was an attempt to censor some of my slides with nudity. Also, the Islamic Society at Warwick University had petitioned against my talk. I refused to remove any of my…

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No Hijab Day, 1 February: Confronting Misogyny

As a challenge to World Hijab Day on 1 February, No Hijab Day aims to confront the dominant narrative that packages the hijab as a symbol of women’s ‘empowerment’ and ‘choice’ and any opposition to it as ‘Islamophobia’. On the day, Ex-Muslims International, a coalition of ex-Muslim groups and activists, is calling on women to remove their hijab…

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Feminism and religion are incompatible

Read full piece in The Freethinker: Feminism and religion are incompatible, 19 November 2024 This is an edited version of Maryam Namazie’s contribution to a Cambridge Union debate: ‘This House Believes Feminism is Incompatible with Religion’, held on 14 November 2024. Others speaking in Proposition: Phyllis Zagano, Annie Laurie Gaylor, and Pollyanna Greene Wright. Those…

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Confronting identity politics, a breeding ground for division and dehumanisation

This is an edited version of Maryam Namazie’s keynote address made at the National Secular Society conference on 19 October 2024. maryam namazie giving her keynote on 19 October. photo: national secular society. I know identity politics well. Criticise Islam and Islamism, you are deemed an ‘Islamophobe’ by Islamists and their apologists on the pro-Islamist…

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  • No Hijab Day, 1 February: Confronting Misogyny

    No Hijab Day, 1 February: Confronting Misogyny

    As a challenge to World Hijab Day on 1 February, No Hijab Day aims to confront the dominant narrative that packages the hijab as a symbol of women’s ‘empowerment’ and ‘choice’ and any opposition to it as ‘Islamophobia’. On the day, Ex-Muslims International, a coalition of ex-Muslim groups and activists, is calling on women to remove their hijab […]


  • نه به روز جهانی حجاب: رویارویی با زن‌ستیزی

    مریم نمازی «نه به روز جهانی حجاب» که در برابر «روز جهانی حجاب» در اول فوریه مطرح شده، تلاشی است برای به چالش کشیدن روایت مسلطی که حجاب را بسته‌بندی کرده و آن را به‌عنوان نمادی از «قدرت زنان» و «انتخاب» ارائه می‌دهد، و هرگونه مخالفتی با آن را «اسلام‌هراسی» می‌نامد. در این روز، «اتحاد…

  • فمینیسم و دین ناسازگارند

    مریم نمازی آنچه در ادامه می‌خوانید نسخه ویرایش‌شده‌ای از سخنرانی مریم نمازی در مناظره‌ای با عنوان «این خانه باور دارد که فمینیسم با دین ناسازگار است» در اتحادیه کمبریج در تاریخ 14 نوامبر 2024 است. سخنرانان موافق: فیلیس زاگانو، آنی لاری گیلور و پولیانا گرین رایت. سخنرانان مخالف: اسقف اعظم رز هادسون-ویلکین، خاخام چارلی باگینسکی،…

  • اعتراض عریان میدان یک جنگ – سخنرانی مریم نمازی

    مندرج در ژورنال شماره ۸۸۲ (لینک به فایل پی دی اف نشریه ژورنال برای پیاده کردن روی تلفن همراه) سازمان “فمن” و  “قانون برابر برای همه” خواستار برگزاری روز جهانی برای دفاع از آهو دریایی را روز هشتم نوامبر اعلام کرده بودند. در چندین شهر از جهان به ابتکارهای جمعی و فردی بسیاری از این…